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View Full Version : Praziquantel

12-10-2002, 08:28 AM
I have just read on another forum that Praziquantel should not be used with a functioning filter, only as a bath. Is this true? I have not heard of this before.

Davo. ???

12-11-2002, 01:01 AM
Hi Davo,
I have used prazi for up to 3 weeks with a functioning filter and never had a probelm. The biological action that prazi interrupts in worms should have no effect on bacteria....

... exceptions..... if mixed with acetone it could encourage other bacterias to multiply and consume oyxygen, which would interfere with the bio bacteria

or if not mixed well it could mechanically block filter material and kill bacteria . I make it a point to wipe down the sides of the tank frequently during treatment , and I squeeze out all my bio sponges between doses.
