View Full Version : New Discus Seller

12-10-2002, 06:03 PM

Just would like you discus guys to check out our site and tell us what you think. We are open to all suggestions and comments.
We tried a few months back and have since then redesigned the site.


12-10-2002, 06:28 PM
Where is the pics of the actual fish for sale? I see your stuff is copyrighted. Dont want anyone to steal them. LOL. I hear that has happened by some unscruplious people in the past looking to make a fast buck.
JMO Matt

12-10-2002, 06:34 PM
Matt....... copyrighted........ :o ROTFLMAO


12-10-2002, 06:35 PM
lol, thats great matt. maybe i should take a trip to ohio and visit them myself with the old dig. camara!

what about that discus hunter, ready for visitors, and hey how about a name talk about shady!lol

12-10-2002, 06:44 PM
No need for the Road Trip I have photos of the $175.00 Red Whites... wait a second... when the photos I have were taken in Aug they were $300ea ;)


12-10-2002, 06:46 PM
For those of you who have forgotten, the discushunters.com issue has been addressed in the past. In fact, it was just a couple months ago. It was a flame war then and the thread had to be stopped. I do not want to do this again. I am not going to lock this thread yet because we have a Buy/Sell/Trade section and there is nothing in our rules here stating that a seller, breeder, importer, wholesaler, etc. cannot advertise.

If this thread continues on the same path as the previous one it will not only be locked, but deleted. I am tired of it.


12-10-2002, 07:32 PM
ryan just to let you know, i was serious, i would like to visit the place to see what kind of discus they off, what their setup looks like take some pictures and share with everyone online, probably their best way of selling, show actual pictures and let people know who you are and what you have.

i just found it funny he didn't even give me a name to refer to him by. plus i'd never buy from anyone who couldn't post some actual pics of their setup, too easy for conartists to say they have stuff they don't. also doesn't let you know the quality.

if i have time i'll call them maybe visit this weekend, mike can you post some of your pics?


12-10-2002, 07:34 PM

If you do go visit, there's nothing wrong with giving us a report based on your findings, whether positive or otherwise. Sometimes pictures help paint a more accurate picture.


12-10-2002, 07:45 PM
I agree. I think it would be nice if anyone here that claimed to be a breeder or seller was required to produce orignial photos taken of their fish in their tanks, so we can at least know that there are actually fish there that look decent.

12-10-2002, 07:57 PM
The poster on that site has obviously been doctored. Names changed to protect the innocent? Some of the fish pictures have been doctored as well.

12-10-2002, 08:03 PM
All I can say is wouldnt you learn the first time! At least use a different name that does not bring back memories. ;) Would give you a better chance and not start off on a wrong foot!

Cool website btw! I like it! ;)

12-10-2002, 08:07 PM

Thank you for your reply. You are giving me what i asked for. I wanted your comments, negative or positive. You ask for pictures of the actual fish in the setups. You got it. I will post them in the next day or so on this thread. There is no conartist involved here. I would even send the fish COD to prove that. I just wish you would all look pass the previous mistake and give our company the oppt. to prove our great quality.

I would like to know where you seen the $300 red and white? Can you provide us the pictures you say that you have?

I will announce it now.
A contest.
The winner of this contest will receive 2 Viva Golden Discus, size 2.5-3"

To enter the contest, you must post your thoughts on discushunters.com Whoever tells us what we should do to improve our site and get the respect from all you guys on this board, will win. All the viewers can even choose the winner. We will pay shipping as well via Airborne Express. You then can post your reviews on our fish.

The poster has been edited, with the wriiten permission from one of our breeders who supplies us with discus, anyone interested may contact him and ask him about this matter.

12-10-2002, 08:09 PM
Also, it does not say i am a discus breeder, it says " discus seller " i buy stock from other breeders and then market them. I just thought maybe this would be a place to try and earn some respect. I have done wrong, just wish you all would look pass what happened on discushunters.com several months ago. Again, i will prove our companys legitamacy by giving away 2 viva golden discus.

12-10-2002, 08:13 PM

;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

See, this stuff will always be going on. I need not be present. ;)

Way to go! :thumbsup:

One t Mat

12-10-2002, 08:23 PM
the return of onetmat! 8)


12-10-2002, 08:41 PM
Your site is fine as a starter. It's one of the few Discus sites that posts prices. That will only be useful if you adjust the prices as the size of the fish changes, otherwise you should remove the pricing. If you're going to post current, correct prices you might as well display the availability of each fish. The pictures don't represent the fish you sell so they're of little value. If I'm buying a fish from your warehouse I want to see a representative fish from your warehouse, not a poster from Kitti. Pictures that show the best fish that has been produced are misleading and worse then no picture. If you have any satisfied customers then it would be a good idea to have them speak up to lend credibility to your business. Your last website said you had been in business for over 20 years and sold most of your fish over the Internet. It also said you were North America's largest hatchery and had built a reputation as the leader in top quality Discus in North America. I assume you still feel that way although you don't say so on your site. Either way I'd like to see some evidence from some of your satisfied customers. This site represents over 1,100 Discus owners, many if not most from North America. Surely someone has bought from the largest hatchery with the best reputation and can speak up on your behalf. If not then I assume that you have made most of your sales through LFS and wholesalers... that's ok too but it makes it harder for the average hobbyist to ascertain your credibility. And that's what buying Discus is all about, credibility. If I'm going to pop down my cash for fish that I can's see in advance I have to have some confidence that I'm going to get what I expect to get (COD doesn't cut it, I still have to pay the man to take the box home so the fish are mine whether they're good quality or not). Your site doesn't give me that confidence at this point. Real pictures of the owners, your hatchery / tanks / operation, and your fish... that would be a good starting point. I assume that you oversold your knowledge and status in this market on your first attempt on this forum so I'll leave the previous site alone. But you could go a long way to clearing up the confusion by putting some actual evidence of your ability on the new site and not just the breeder's poster. Just my opinion.


12-10-2002, 08:51 PM
Dave just said it all :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:


12-10-2002, 08:57 PM
I am declaring Dave_C the winner. Please send us a email at sales@discushunters.com to claim the 2 fish.

We will cover all shipping fees to your door. The only thing you are responsible to do is to provide your mailing address. We also will ask that you agree to post comments about our fish on this message board once you receive the fish.

Thanks Dave


12-10-2002, 08:57 PM
Plainly put.....Im not such a hardass I wont give someone a second chance.... But you had better make good on that second chance cause I promise you, there wont be a third!!

Judging from your website.....you aint gettin a third :thumbsdown:


I liked the distributer info....that was good for a laugh.

12-10-2002, 09:03 PM
Sure you can send the fish to:

Dave Clubine
20 Sandcliffe Court
Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
R3P 1Y3

I suggest you ship airport to airport. There is the Winnipeg International Airport here in town (go figure). I assume you are able to ship to Canada and have done so in the past as you said you were an International shipper. As far as documentation goes all you need to provide is a valid invoice stating the date, your Company name, the latin name of the fish and the quantity & price (in this case free I guess). Let me know when I can expect the box and I'll go pick it up. I'll definitely post my comments here when I receive the fish.


12-10-2002, 09:05 PM
I do not as a rule get involved with the ethical standards and quality posts as I am a relative neophyte to the discus world. I am however very well read on this forum. My specialty is R/O equipment, but I can however offer some suggestions (Only my opinion) as how you can establish yourself as a legitimate discus supplier on this forum:

1) Post photos of your fish taken in your facility and make them available to the forum members and perspective customers. A digital camera is an excellent investment.

2) Post photos of the fish you normally will be selling to people not the only grade "A+" in the tank.

3) Be reasonable in your pricing. If you have some "B" grade fish for sale have the price reflect that and be sure to ID them as such.

4) Be honest in your advertising and communications with customers.

5) As you state you are a distributor not a breeder, Make sure that you never sell a fish that is syptomatic of any disease and make sure that all your fish have undergone a Quarantine period.

6) If you are obtaining fish from the far east, make sure you identify them as being from the far east. There is nothing wrong with importing fish as long as you do so from reputable breeders. (Ones that don't hormone treat, etc)

7) Fairly and promptly deal with all customer issues and complaints even if it will cost you money to do so.

8) Use high quality shipping procedures and carriers only.

These are the things that come immediately to mind. There are many others, and I am sure that people will be happy to give suggestions to you. Your company made a mistake initally that will be difficult to overcome. The best way to do that is to supply high quality fish at reasonable prices with faultless customer service.

To all other posters,
This guy screwed up with his first posting on the forum. He has now come back in an effort to rectify that and get our assistance. I am not a Moderator of this section but I think in the spirit of the Forum we as members should take this opportunity to advise Nick as to what we want as Discus owners from a supplier.

There is no need to snipe and flame at the guy for his previous behavior as we all know how that went. Please let's keep this civil and give him the opportunity to correct his past mistakes.

I am not defending Nick or his company as I have not had any dealing with him. I just see this as an opportunity to work with a supplier and get it done right for the good of the hobby.

If you feel I am out of line here, Feel free to IM me with your opinion.


12-10-2002, 09:11 PM
Nick, I hope you do have the high quality fish that you represent. Please do send Dave C a couple to review. Honestly, If I was looking to get started from "Scratch" here's the way I would do it.

Solicit a few well respected members of this site... 4 or 5. Ask them for permission to send them a few samples. Any strains or colors that you feel confident in. I would end up giving away probably 4 fish each to 4 or 5 people. I would ask them, if they are happy with the fish, to reimburse me for the shipping charges. If they are dissatisfied for any reason then they need not. Whether they reimburse shipping or not I wuold ask that they post pics and comments on this site.

I know this is an expensive way to get started. 4 or 5 shipping charges plus the cost of 20 or so fish, but if you are serious about developing a "Name" then I would think this is the way to go. Especially after the previous experience, I think it is up to you to begin building "Good Will".

I'm not making this suggestion for selfish reasons. I don't want to receive free fish because I am pretty new to the hobby and don't think that I could give you a fair evaluation. I think you should be looking for some of the DIE HARDS on here that can really know what they are getting. Keep in mind, you aren't charging "Award Winning" prices so I don't think people should expect "Flawless" fish. They should be healthy and as represented by you.

Good luck and I hope you can build the reputation you are looking for. (You may want to remove the distributor stuff until you have built a good reputation. I would anyway.)


12-10-2002, 09:19 PM
Well- that has to be the shortest contest in History! Frank ;)

12-10-2002, 09:34 PM
I guess I missed my chance.
Oh well.
I'd like to see for myself Nick,So post those pics

Paul :guitarist:

12-10-2002, 10:02 PM
How many fish/strains do you have in stock today? I live in Ohio. I will visit you this weekend to take pictures, tour your facilities, and give a review to Simply. I'm open Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. Let me know,


12-10-2002, 10:10 PM
"Better Breeders, Better Discus" --- sounds lot like that pizza chain, this is free world but, they did put a price on "priceless" in the federal courts... so if I where you I would consult a lawyer.....

12-10-2002, 11:16 PM

I'm really pulling for you. I want to see lots more people who really love discus work to improve our hobby.

You need to build a reputation for being honest, direct, and helpfull. If you make a commitment you need to carry it through. I see you announced a contest and then one hour later ended the contest after two postings. This is your privilage, but it does not help your image. I don't know if Dave C posted on DiscusHunters as your contest rules stated but the whole "contest" concept went out the door when you ended it this way.

The reason that some specific breeders and dealers (we all know who they are) have great reputations is not because they only sell flawless fish guarenteed to win any awards. It's because we all know that they will provide exactly what they commit to, they will address any issues, they will help in any way they can, and we TRUST them.

Please think about things you can do to EARN our trust instead of gimmics or slogans which will just be criticized.


12-10-2002, 11:20 PM
I agree with Dan, I think that selecting 4 or 5 People to judge fish for you would be better than Gimmicky contests that are against forum rules anyway.

Again, JMHO


12-11-2002, 12:02 AM
I dont think a facility inspection will tell us squat! You could very well have squeeky clean tanks and nice round fish.....I wanna know what kind of person you are before I send you three, four or five hundred bucks.....call me a fool.

The breeders here that have gotten the most respect are the ones with top notch customer service, top quality stock and just all around decent people. The have EARNED everyones respect....not begged for it. When they have a few minutes...they join us here....not to sell fish, but to help out as best they can if needed. Or just share a laugh. Typically thier own promotion is secondary to this forum.

There's alot....and I do mean alot! of extremely knowledgable and well informed people on this board Nick. You wont gain any respect by giving a couple of fish away...or offering discounts....or yadda, yadda, yadda......
Especially with the crap you pulled the first time you were here.....you have to earn respect...you cant buy it.


12-11-2002, 12:04 AM
My advice to you is to try to be more than just a broker for other breeders, and then sell their fish here. If you want the respect of this board, its members and breeders, take baby steps first. Post as a member, share your knowledge,help when its needed, participate as a member here and earn the respect and trust of people. There are many sellers of fish out there, but selling fish and being a respected seller do not go hand in hand.


12-11-2002, 01:42 AM
Right on Frank and Dan :thumbsup: . Very short contest. No disrespect intended (honestly). Dave made some very excellent, precise and undisputable observations, but there are other observations to be made!!!

12-11-2002, 08:51 AM
I am no web designer but here are thoughts on the site.


I am a big fan of clean sites and the basic white is great
All the basic information is available if you look long enough
You actually use your discushunters.com domain in emailing. Not many people take advantage of that


The discus poster is to large Im at 1152x864 and I cant fit the poster.
The discus poster is probably copyrighted material
There are no pictures of the current fish being sold
The fine print in pricing looks neat but its to small
The price page requires to big a screen. Im at 1152x864 and it almost doesnt fit
Not sure if species is the correct word to describe different color discus
No picture available of the parents of the fish so that people can get a good feel for what an adult would look like.
The footer with all that info is just overkill. It probably only should be on the prices/ordering page. Strip it down for the rest of the pages
No contact us page is available
No about us page is available. Something that describes you and the business. Like are you a breeder or an importer or both. If you import who do you get your fish from?
Discus food page is to large, the print would scroll off most peoples screens.
Distributors page is off format, that left justify doesnt match up with the center justify under neath it.
Your Discus greating is almost good, you can see the jaggies way to easily. Something like that takes a lot of work which is why I didnt try.

These are my impressions from a quick look at it. Feel free to contact me using the email link.

Here is are 2 links to my website that Im currently working on. I havent done the page to page linking yet so use the 2nd link to get to the other links.


BTW these pages are being served off my home puter via DSL.

Former web hosting guru :)

12-11-2002, 12:38 PM
Nick aka discushunter,
I like what Al mentioned! Be a member sharing experiences and knowledge.

I would also love to see pics of your facilities ie tanks, equipment, QT tanks, etc! Some pics with yourself in it will also help imo! ;)

O! and btw, Im interested in the distributor info! PM me sometime about it! Thanks!

12-11-2002, 02:13 PM
I hope you take care of Dave but anybody can send a few nice fish. So don't expect orders come rolling in. Trust needs to be earned through a period of time and since you lost a little bit of trust from many people its going to be a slow process. Just be honest and open to people's questions and be an honest business person and sometime down the road you will receive orders. Since you are a broker be very selective of the fish you sell because if one of your orders turn sour then I don't think it will be easy for you to do business. Good luck with everything.

Take care

12-12-2002, 01:12 AM
Be sure to check out the new post for pics taken dec. 10th.

Thanks all you discus hunters

12-12-2002, 02:22 AM
I do not want to say anything mean- i do not want to cause trouble- but those are the same fish and the same picture of fish that were posted on Aquabid by Trilby Tropicals! This guy has a loose screw! Frank

12-12-2002, 02:33 AM
Sorry... But I really don't want to have to stay up all night to watch this one. So for now, we are both goin nigh night. The higher ups can decide the fate of this threads future....

Night All....

Julz :)