View Full Version : fish shape question ? football

12-12-2002, 10:53 AM
i have just recently purchased some discus and once i get my digital camera you'll all be able to see them :D. my question is at what size does a discus start getting more round and less "football" shape ???? 1" or 1 1/2" or 2" or varies or ???? i can't believe that they are always round - but maybe i'm wrong :-\. i can see the difference between a good shape and a football shape but when does that transition occur where it becomes more rounded than long? you guys make alot of reference to this shape defect but maybe some fish are still too small to "shape out"? :'(



12-12-2002, 11:00 AM
Some people have reported that fish they thought where going to be footballs for life lost that when they started to approach full size.

So do remember to take that into account, but I will say that seems to be an exception and not a rule.


12-12-2002, 04:40 PM
This may be a little too much insight that i'm giving unfairly, because it took me a LONG time to figure this one out. LOL. When i first started looking at discus (fish actually in my possession i mean) I was looking at the front edge of the fish to determine the roundness of them. If the front edge (head) of the fish seemed close to the side of a circle, i thought a fish had great shape, and if it angled way back i thought it was a football. What I have actually discovered is that you shouldn't look at the head of a young fish. Instead, look at the height of the fish's body and the length of the fish's body. DO NOT include the fins. If the body is as tall or taller than it is long, then the fish will turn out very round with proper care. If it is much longer than tall, it may fill out a good bit but will most likely not be one of those perfect fish you see. I think if you do that, along with looking for all the other good qualities in fish like eye size, gill plate, etc. that you will pick out great fish. Anyone feel free to correct me if they feel i'm wrong.

12-12-2002, 07:31 PM
Nothing wrong with that description, but I might add, that's why if you want good quality you research your breeder. A breeder gets a good rep because they provide good fish. Trust in the breeder is most important if you don't have the luxury of picking out your fish in person!!!

12-12-2002, 11:00 PM
Very Good reply Brad! Frank

12-12-2002, 11:19 PM
that is a great explanation that i didn't realize. the fish i bought were from an extremely respected breeder (in fact i'm sending money this month for fish in a few months since i want too make sure i get some). my 3" fish +/- look real round, my 1 3/4" fish looked kind-off pointy but not bad too me but very well proportioned height too length (now i don't have too worry with your explanation). i am hopefully going down too pick out or at least bring back my next order - but it doesn't help if i pick out the fish not knowing what too look for - lol. with this last order i feel i was better off letting him pick out my fish without my intervention (i also let him decide on the 2 colors i got since i had nothing too start with). this coming time i will have a few kinds in mind and then see if he thinks he has good ones of them or maybe some other ones that are better instead. i have alot too learn but i'm spending the time too try too find them out. people answering specific questions on simply discus is a great straight forward help too all of us starting out. i plan on having lots of discus when i am done (even more angels too start though since i am more comfortable with them). my goal is too have about 6 different colors/kinds of discus from 2 or more sources of each so i can get the best of each from those breeders and compare them agaionst each other and hopefully end up with some very good fish of each color/kind. that is pretty much what i did with my angels about 15 years ago when i started out with them ( i am ending a 10 year vacation from fish - yeah)

thanks again


12-12-2002, 11:40 PM
I hope my description helped you out a bit. I think the best possible thing that you can do is to go to his hatchery and say "OK, I want to pick out what I think are the best 5 fish in this tank, then I want you to do the same without bias to my selection. Then I want you to explain to me the differences between the selections I made and the selections you made so I can understand them and learn." Have a breeder you trust as a source like that is an incredible wealth of information. Seems to me like you're on the right track, so good luck.

12-12-2002, 11:43 PM
brad - another great idea thanks

can't wait too get the camera for pictures so you can see what they look like - i think you'll like (but i could be wrong - that's okay too -lol)


12-12-2002, 11:56 PM
if you have small, young fish that are very pointy in the face but very tall, i think you will be very happy with your fish as adults and can't wait to see pictures of your babies!