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View Full Version : Todays egg's finally better timing

12-14-2002, 05:56 PM
I have had a pair of fish that have laid eggs almost every 7 days for 5 weeks now. Each time they have done the dirty while I was at work though last time they laid eggs on sunday while I was at the store.

This morning I took a break from computer work and looked in on them. FINALLY I caught them in the act, though 85% of the eggs had already been laid. These fish just refuse to lay the eggs where I want them to, instead they use the filter inlet pipe on my fluval. The tank is supposed to be the community tank. Every previous batch has ended up with white eggs after about 48 hours and then whats left of the eggs getting eaten. Since this time I caught them I did manage to turn off the filter for the rest of the last 1/2 hour. So with this better timing I think I finally know who "Dad" is and I have a fighting chance at actually getting wrigglers this time.

The fish are still yough or fairly small so at best I think they got in more practice.

Ill post updates if anything actually happens. Of course Im scheduled to go out of town thursday .. sigh ..
