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View Full Version : Popeye medication

12-17-2002, 05:33 PM
Question: from your experience, what is the best medication for Popeye and related eye conditions?

Issue: although eyes are not protruding, there are several fish with cloudy white looking eye lens. With some fish there is a white ring that circles the eye where it meets the head, but the eye otherwise looks ok.

My LFS has recommended Maracyn–Two as the medication, but I have also been reading about Furan, Kanamycin Sulfate, Tetracycline, and Mela-Fix as possible treatments. Thanks.

12-18-2002, 02:50 AM

I have never had a fish with cloudy eyes. I can tell you what I did for popeye. I am not sure if the treatment would be the same for cloudy eyes....I had always heard that lots of WC will help cloudy eyes.
Anyhow, for popeye Kanamycin works very well!
This treatment is posted somewhere on this board by Ardan!
POPEYE TREATMENT:Treatment consists of
a. lower temps (80 to 82 for Discus)
b. antibiotics with an internal effect (such as Kanacyn)(use as directed, if improvement is noted, continue through a second course of treatments)
c. do not change water until day 5 in the treatment, before the 3rd dose of antibiotic (fresh water helps the bacteria more than it helps the fish)(at that time do a 50% WC)
d. Epsom salt, 1 to 2 tablespoons/10gallons aquarium water
e. Lower ph will inhibit bacteria (6.0 range)(also will prevent any ammonia from becoming toxic if the bio filter is affected= less stress for fish)
f. If the fish starts eating a med such as Discomed may be added to the food


12-18-2002, 07:33 AM
Read this article by Jim Quarles