View Full Version : my new babies again

12-19-2002, 12:18 PM
trying the pics again, think that my file size was too big........
My last post was lost, so here I go again, My hubbie and I wanted to thank everyone on this forum, we have been reading and learning from all of you! We waited and got the tank ready, it took 4 long months, but it was worth it! Again thanks, also, any opinion of our babies would be appreiciated, are they of "good" quality?

12-19-2002, 02:01 PM
Nice schooling. Looks like their all pals...

12-19-2002, 06:06 PM
I only count 7. What color is number 8?
Carol :heart1:

12-19-2002, 09:04 PM
Looks like the race is on for the grub at the other end of the tank :bounce: :bounce2: :bounce: :bounce2: :bounce:

Paul :guitarist:

12-20-2002, 01:57 PM
Carol, the 8th is a snowflake.......