View Full Version : Color enhancing food

12-22-2002, 03:37 PM
I've seen in prior posts members speak of color enhancing food. What exactly do you feed for color enhancing. I currently feed flakes, New Life Spectrum discus formula granuales, and bloodworms. They get the blood worms everyday. I have a BD that is magnificent, (don't need enhancing.) But my PB could use a bit more color.

Now My PB has been through hell, barely ate for two months. I never seen him eat once in that time period. He had white translucent feces (hex?) and twice I was ready to put him out of his misery. My dear wife forbid it. I tried evey med suggested on this board and nothing worked. Then one day after I had lost all hope and stopped tring to cure him, 2 months ago, when he was skinny and half the size of his tankmates he started eating again. Now he is perfectly healthy and growing, though I believe he is now stunted since he's still much smaller than fish half his age. He is the alpha (male?) of the tank, I guess because he is the oldest in the tank. It's funny to watch him bully fish twice his size.

Back to the original post, what can I feed him to boast his color a bit? He'll never be a prize winner, but he is a good looking PB and he's gonna be with us for the long haul, so I want to just brighten him up a bit if it's possible. He's about a year old and 3 inches long. Other than his small size he's okay.


12-22-2002, 03:55 PM
Tetra Color Bits help a little bit and Ocean Nutrition Formula One flakes have some Anasathaxin (I have no clue how to spell it or even what it sounds like). People add Naturose to their food as well as Anasathaxin (sp.).

12-22-2002, 04:14 PM
CAROPHYLL Pink - Page 1. CAROPHYLL ® Pink Nature identical astaxanthin for aquaculture O HO O OH Page 2. ... CAROPHYLL ® Pink The proven source of astaxanthin for aquaculture

Aquamedia: Carotenoids in aquaculture - ... are a number of alternative sources of astaxanthin (krill, shrimp, crawfish, a basidiomycetes yeast, or algae), although the major source is CAROPHYLL® Pink. ...

Animal Feed Additives Handbook - ... Carnifeed. Carniking. CAROPHYLL Red. CAROPHYLL Yellow. CAROPHYLL Pink. Chlorsol 50. Chlortet FG 100. Clinacox. Copper Sulphate. Coxistac 12% Microgranular. CRINA Calves. ...

12-22-2002, 04:29 PM

Were you still waiting on the Carophyll? I think I remember you saying it was not yet availible in the states. If you have it, what do you think about it?


12-22-2002, 11:36 PM
Hi Tim,
Yes I have it and have used it allready. IME it works very well and very fast!

I used it on My red Melon spawn in 3 days they went from burnt Orange to bright red. But ofcourse Everyone Knows I never follow directions very well and used it at a very high dose ;D You know a little for Me a little for You and a little more just to see ::)

At the time I am soaking Banana peel's in it overnight.
After they turn red I plan on feeding them to My Blkworms.
I'll keep You posted! ;D

Cary Gld!

12-23-2002, 12:50 AM
cool Cary...you measure like me!!!
you must be related!!

12-23-2002, 02:36 AM

Miles 8)

12-23-2002, 11:41 AM
I agree.Color foods can make your fish have more sharp color. But as long as i know, if the fish itself has bad gene of color, for how many color foods you give everday, the color will not show up. Thats what it is important to know the parents. :)

Do u guys know CR-6 ??? I'm currently curious with that med.This is also used for enchancing color. anyone has experience using CR-6??? I heard this chemical med can make your fish unfertil. How do u feed your fish with CR-6?? Mix it with bloodworms ?? ???

12-23-2002, 11:43 PM
Thanks to all and Merry Christmas.
