View Full Version : Good day, Bad day

12-30-2002, 01:00 AM
Hi all,

Today was, for our discus, a good day. They were moved out of the cramped 35 hex and into what was my planted, (nolonger,) 110 gal tank. The move took 14 hours and the returning of 3 servums, (too large for the 35,) to the LFS. The discus seem very happy and are adjusting well.

Bad day also. I did a 2 gal water change in my nano reef tank, 7 gal, and since I know next to nothing about reef tanks I had my LFS test my water and he said I needed to add some marine buffer because my ph was to low. I followed directions and added 1/4 teaspoon of marine buffer after the WC and 10 minutes later all of my invertabrates, coral, 3 snails, 2 cleaner shrimp, and an anemome were dead. Since my SW LFS is different from my FW LFS I think it's time for a change. Time to learn everything I can about SW and replace a few hundred dollars worth of sealife. It won't ever happen to me again.


12-30-2002, 01:04 AM
glad to hear your discus had a good day. ;D
sorry to hear about your reef tank. that im afraid i know nothing about.

12-30-2002, 02:20 AM
I thought most salt mixes contained enough buffers, and shouldn't the freshly mixed salt water's ph be measured. sounds like you took your tap water in and that's what the lfs guy tested? Sorry to hear about your bad luck. I don't really know enough about reef setups to even comment but heck, that never stops me.
I swear, on the rare occasion that I go into a lfs
in my area some of the advice I hear being spewed out to newbie aquarist makes me want to b slap someone. (I'm not saying you're a newbie)

12-30-2002, 02:29 AM
I love it when my LFS tells ME how to take care of MY discus to get them to grow soooo much bigger. Then I sell them my culls, which are "Huge, Beautiful Fish that I never should sell" in their eyes. Too bad I don't show them pics of my nice fish...lol Sounds to me like you should get rid of the reef tank for more discus!

12-30-2002, 10:19 AM
I'm with Brad- ditch the reef save our oceans

12-31-2002, 12:00 AM
While we're saving the oceans, maybe we can save the amazon too. And while we're saving, let's save the rift valley lakes and let's not forget the manatee. Oops, we're already saving them. I love my discus, but I also love the look of a nano reef. I'm just that kinda guy. Too bad I couldn't even save a few snails and 2 shrimp. I guess I'll have to save the world some other day.
