View Full Version : Visiting BoxerDad's discus room

01-02-2003, 11:43 AM
Hi! Everyone, I wish everybody had a wonderful holidays and happy new year.

I just want to share my good experience of visiting John's (BoxerDad) discus room. At the end of the last year, my coworkers and I have an opportunity to visit John's house. His discus room is set in the basement. When we entered the room, my eyes could not leave the discus any minutes. In the past, when I saw the discus' picture on the web or in the book, I always do not believe that it can be that pretty and it must be the photo effect. But, I realize that I was wrong. His cobalt blues and blue diamonds especially are the most beautiful ones I saw sofar. The round shape of the fishes shows me what it means high quality. John has also shown us the fries (Marlboro reds and BD). Some of them have started to show the parents' color and all of them show very nice round shape. Unfortunately, I cannot bring home some for myself since they all have been reserved. But, I saw he has a pair of Blue SS with eggs. I have taken a number and get in line already.

I should bring my camera with me and share the pictures with you. Definitely, I will have my digit camera ready next time when I go to pick up my Blue SS.

Again, Thank you John for your time and generosity. Keep on a good work!


01-02-2003, 12:36 PM
Great to hear about a local breeder! Is there any chance that you have pictures of the fish or facilities? Thanks for the information, ChienHsu!

01-02-2003, 01:04 PM
WHAT!!!!!!!!................ No pics ;D


01-02-2003, 01:20 PM
HI! Work on my digit camera and load the software are indeed my new year resolution for 200? (it was "2" , I hope it is "3" and final).
