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View Full Version : New Year Eggs

01-04-2003, 11:20 AM
My disucs had New Year eggs. They manage to fend off the rummys, a pleco, and a flying fox for the first two days. On the third day, the feeding frenzy began when the parent was in the middle of changing shift. I quickly turned off the lights which confused the rummys and the flying fox. However, once they tasted the caviar the rest of the eggs did not last the next hour.

Today, I've moved the rummy's and flying fox to my other show tank.

Here is picture of the parent with eggs

01-04-2003, 11:22 AM
A closer shot.

01-04-2003, 11:25 AM
Zoomed out view.

01-04-2003, 11:27 AM
Picture of the father

01-04-2003, 11:47 AM
Hey congrats.Very nice looking fish and real nice tank ;)


01-04-2003, 02:11 PM
Hey Chaos
Good looking parents and real nice pics. ;D

Good luck with the eggs :thumbsup:

Paul :guitarist:

01-04-2003, 11:23 PM
Your tank is beautiful!!!!! Very nice pictures!!!! Good luck and keep us posted!!!

Weezy ;D

01-05-2003, 04:34 AM
very nice looking fish and a great tank too.
congrats for the eggs and hope to see the pics of the babies soon.

the bog wood along with the java moss is looking stunning.

keep up the good work.


01-05-2003, 04:37 AM
sorry for this, but please can you tell us the specs of your tank.
type of fish in it, types of plants, filteration, gravel used and hopw thick ect.

also do let us know the progress of the eggs.


01-05-2003, 11:49 AM
Tank specs:
a. Tank size: 46 Gal Bowfront
b. Gravel: 1 1/4" high of size 1/4" gravel (Easier to clean)
c. Two large Granite Rocks (help keep down the driftwood)
d. Fluval 404 Canister filter
- 2 layers of Bio media (4 bags)
- 1 layer of Amo Chip (2 bags)
- 1 layer of Zeo Carb (Amo Chip + Cabon) keeps water crystal clear
e. Water parameters (Used Epson Salt, Sea Salt, Baking Soda and crushed coral to maintain water contents from filtered water - NOT RO, will try R/O Right to buffer water soon)
- Temp: 84 deg
- PH: 6.0 to 6.5
- Ammonia: 0
- Nitrite: 0
Fish Stock:
a. There are 6 discus (5" to 6"), about 11 months old Brilliant Blue
Acquired them through Aquabid at 2".
b. 8 Rummy Nose Tetras (moved to another tank)
c. 5 Neon Tetras
d. 1 pleco
e. 2 Golden Snails
f. Flying Fox (moved to another tank)
Plant Stock: (based on name used by Petsmart)
a. Amazon Swords
b. Ludwigia
c. Banna Plants
d. Don't remember what type of sword is on the driftwood. The leaves changed shaped and color from its original form.
e. Algae (Chi Chi Chia) on the driftwood germinated on its own

The goal in my display tanks was to keep it simple for ease of cleaning, and Discus as the primary residence. It took some time to find a balance between the tank specs, fishes, plants and I. Initially my plants did not do well when I changed 25% water and cleaned the gravel everyday. They did much better when I changed 50% water and cleaned the gravel twice a week. I tried to clean around the plants and not disturb its roots. The sword plant on the driftwood never got uproodted or cleaned around its roots from the day it was put in. It fared the best. All the issues and suggestion from this forum was taken into account when creating my tanks. I will take a picture of my other tank and post.

Recently, I was happily surprised when I returned from an 8 days Christmas vacation which I did not have anyone to change the water. I used an autofeeder ($11 from Petco) and set a light timer for 4 hours of light per day. I repeated this with my other tanks. When I returned, the water tested perfect (Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0). The fishes were very happy to see me back. I was very lucky. I know water condition can change due to many other reasons and experienced loss because of it.

Thanks for your interest arpanlib. Hope this info helps.

01-05-2003, 07:38 PM
That brilliant blue reminds me of the old-fashioned striated turquoise strains you used to see in magazines. It is a beautiful fish, IMO. I love how bright its colors are. I also love how bright the tank looks with the light colored gravel. It's not dark like some of the planted tanks I have seen. Congratulations!


01-05-2003, 08:09 PM
Better luck next time. The fish look great. ;)

01-06-2003, 04:50 AM
very, very nice fish and the tank. :)

Happy 2003.

01-06-2003, 02:03 PM
Hi , congratulations for you`re discus , in really , is very wonderful , i am liked very much , congratulations.Is very nice.

I have one ask:
The plant this back to discus , is one echinodorus Rose?

Many thanks and Good Luck

Ignacio ;) ;) :D :D

01-06-2003, 07:00 PM
Ignacio - If its the redish small leaf plant it's called a Ludwigia.