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View Full Version : Need help!!! And lots of it, I fear!

01-05-2003, 03:34 PM
Hi all!

Happy New Year to every discus-freak!
The new year for me started out with trouble. Two of my fish turned into "tailstanders". They look like the headstanders, they just do it the other way around. I changed a few things in the setup, but the water conditions remained the same. I have some other fish (red turk and snakeskin youngsters), some of them turned black, but they still eat and the edges of their fins look a bit ragged. I raised the temp to 32 deg C and added salt. I don't know exactly how much salt I added, I just dumped some in each tank. I know that you'd need more info, so I say that the water conditions are ideal, I have (in the morelematic part of the setup with the tailstanders) six fish in six hundred liters of water. I do about 25% w/c each day. Feeding with beefheart mix and dry food similar to Tetra bits.
What else? Ah, I remember... Some of the fish show signs of madness or insanity. They seem to have some sort of nervous breakdown. They do eat though. I can only figure that this mental illness is some secondary stuff caused by the primary problem which I don't know what is.

Any ideas?

Thanks everyone!


01-05-2003, 04:15 PM
Have a read of these.