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View Full Version : Online Retailers - best choice, recommendations?

01-06-2003, 10:59 PM
QUESTION: What is the best online retailer for purchasing aquarium supplies and accessories?

I have never purchased aquarium stuff over the Internet, and would appreciate your recommendations for supplies and accessories. I am looking for the best price, selection, and customer service as my key buy criteria.

Thanks for any advice.

01-06-2003, 11:03 PM
Heres a couple places where i get most of my stuff.....



01-06-2003, 11:14 PM
Two I frequently use are www.drsfostersmith.com and www.petsolutions.com
Carol :heart1:

01-07-2003, 12:35 AM
Tylers list is my list!

01-07-2003, 12:36 AM
I find that thatpetplace.com often has a bigger selection and more stuff in stock. I sometimes find almost everything I need at bigalsonline.com but then they are always out of something. I try to order everything from one place so I only pay one shipping charge. My best luck with availability and selection has been thatpetplace.com.

As for drsfostersmith.com they have some things that thatpetplace.com doesn't carry, including the all-glass hoods/covers for All-Glass aquariums.

Jehmco.com has really neat products at a really wonderful price, especially on stuff like sponge filters and such. But, like I said before, their selection is not as big as some. Of course, brand names play a large role in that, as I have favorite brands for particular items..


01-07-2003, 01:32 AM
I like Jhemco.com and pet solutions.com. :)

01-07-2003, 02:19 AM
I've ordered from FostersandSmith and BigAls. Both firms have been very good with the orders, prompt service and good prices for the items that I purchased. Turnaround was much better than expected during the holiday season.

Of course I ordered items that were nice to have, not something that I needed at that very moment!

01-07-2003, 08:41 AM
I usually use bigalsonline.com

01-07-2003, 09:12 AM
Timely topic--I was just searching the archives for this yesterday!

I was curious is people were having better service from Dr. Foster & Smith (since the buyout of petswarehous last year when there were lots of service problems just after).

Anyone tried PetsMart.com? I was looking for a hamster cage and supplies for my daughter and their prices were 15-30% less than at Thatpetplace.com. They do also carry fish supplies. Has anyone had had any bad (or good) experiences with PetsMart.com for online ordering?

I usually order most of my things from Big Als or Jehmco (especially meds from Jehmco!!!).


01-07-2003, 09:51 AM
I've used www.jehmco.com with no problems ;)


Bob Tiner
01-08-2003, 07:20 PM
HI ALL, I've ordered from Foster & Smith several times and like their service. Around the 1st of Dec. I ordered 5 250 watt Ebo Jager heaters and the confirmation said they would be delivered in 7 working days. I patiently waited 3 weeks and called them. While I was online they contacted FedEx who said they were delivered on the 7th, left on my porch. The lady at F & S said they would ship me a replacement order, air express, at no additional charge. They were here noon the next day. I'd call that excellent service! ;D

01-09-2003, 08:37 PM
I've ordered from thatpetplace and BidAls. Both did a good job and stuff arrived on timd. Big Als was cheaper

01-09-2003, 10:16 PM
I am also very happy with www.jehmco.com


01-10-2003, 12:29 PM
I have used, and been happy with:
Pet Solutions
That Pet Place
Dr. Foster and Smith
Florida Tropical Fish Farms
Marine Depot (got my Pinpoint Conductivity meter for $99 compared to others $120)
I have yet to order from Aquatic Eco Systems, but got their catalog, and it's absolutely amazing what all they have in there. Some of their prices are cheaper than the ones I've bought from above. It took me a couple of weeks of toilet reading to just get through the catalog. Plus, they've got a lot of good tips, that are extremely helpful, throughout the catalog.
Lance Krueger

01-10-2003, 01:41 PM
I found that specialization works for me ...

If I need food, I'll order from several sources if I can't get it locally ...
http://www.bio-aquatics.com/ source for frozen and flake food Mike Reed ... frozen and flake Angels Plus ... my source for most of my flake and some hatchery stuff like sponge filters ... www.angelsplus.com Brine Shrimp Direct ... Brine Shrimp Eggs, Plankton Flakes Jehmco ... just got pellets from them my LFS ... since I supply angelfish and discus to them at good prices, I can get my stuff at wholesale

For meds, I use Fishy Farmacy

For supplies I can't get at my LFS, Pet Wharehouse and That Fish Place are good

For fishroom equipment (plumbing, water filtration, water change, pumps, lighting) Aquatic Ecosystem is a very good source

To summarize, I specialize to get the best solution ate the best price ... If you run multiple tanks/fish room, that is the way to go IMO.


01-11-2003, 01:36 AM
I use and have very good results with:
Dr. Fostersmith


01-11-2003, 09:20 AM
I use:




Shopping on ebay is lots of fun. Warning, it can be very addictive!
