View Full Version : Bacteria and Light

01-07-2003, 10:23 PM
I am in the midst of cycling some tanks (fishless). At first, I was using lights on the tanks and the bacteria was growing fine. Then I read somewhere that bacteria doesn't grow as well under light, so I shut them off. My tanks are now lingering in that maddening stage of the cycle. Anyone know if light is a factor on bacteria growth?


01-07-2003, 10:31 PM
I Don't know if light would help or hinder the process - sorry :-\

Carol :heart1:

01-08-2003, 11:34 AM
Only strong lights are going to have a negative effect on bacteria (direct sunlight, intense UV lights). Things like water temps, water movement, aeration, ammonia levels will have a more noticable affect on the rate of bacteria growth.

01-08-2003, 06:50 PM
A good question! In actual fact, bacteria like the dark like in your filters, under gravel, away from the light world. As Ralph mentions, UV from lights will kill bacteria hence UV sterlizers. Another fact is that fluorescent lights do give off some UV. Just an interesting thought.

NickK, at what part of the cycle are you at? Just wondering if maybe shutting off the lights would not of made a difference anyways and that by change the 2 'happened' together! ???

01-13-2003, 12:03 AM
Yes I have also read on Discus Page Holland that bacteria like dark, well oxygenated places.

What type of filtration are you running? If it is an aquaclear then lights will not effect it as the plastic of the aquaclears are tinted and the sponge compartments quite dark. If it is a sponge like HydroSponges then lights will have minimal effect anway as the sponge is a dark colour and I would say that light would not penetrate much of the sponge except maybe the surface.

I would turn off the lights just to save electricity!
