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View Full Version : compost worm or garden worms

01-08-2003, 06:36 AM
Is there any risk to use compost worms or worm from our garden as discusfood ?
Are they full of dirt

Any tips ?

01-08-2003, 07:44 AM
Stonefox there is a great danger from using worms out of your garden because of all the chemicals that were put in the ground. If you put any incesticides in it to kill bugs they they were absorbed by the worms. Now if you feed it to the discus you pass on these poisions and they may kill your lovely Discus and you are going to have to start all over.

You may want to do what I do and get a worm bin going in the house, fill it with damp newspaper and by some redworms from www.wormman.com
I feed my worms only fruits and vegetables. As long as you keep the newspapers damp they will be ok, do not over water your worms as they will drown and then you will have a mess.

01-08-2003, 08:02 AM
Hi Stonefox,
I have fed my discus worms from the yard numerous times. I just dig up what I need for that feeding and place them in a container of clean water and let them sit for about an hour. This will purge their guts of any dirt. I then rinse them well and feed. My fish love them.
My only problem is that I now have so many discus I can't dig enough worms.
Donna :)

01-08-2003, 11:26 AM
Donna: I can see your garden with pot holes all over. Don't blame your Fox Terriers. It was you who did the dirty work. Garden worms are too big for the discus. composed worms are just the right size. i don't cut them up. I let hem rip it apart by themselves and have a good work out at the same time. It's easy to start a culture at home. I feed over hundred adult discus with them every other day. The bin contains all different sizes of red wrigglers to feed from the fry to adults. The only deterrant of having a worm bin in your house is the fruit fry. If you know how to take care of this problem. You'll enjoy having them around and your garbage collector will kiss you. I have 4 bins going and enough to feed them once a day if I want. I also have extra's to give away to friends. One additional of Discugeo suggestions is to drill a drain hole at the bottom to let the vegie. juice out. Sit your worm bin at an angle and collect the juice with a container. It's a best liquid fertilizer for your house plant. Just use without diluting it. You house Plants will love you.

01-08-2003, 11:55 AM
Thanks for your answer - Jimmy

Do you do anything to the worms before you put it into your Aquarium ?

01-08-2003, 03:01 PM

LOL ;D ;D ;D
I'm impressed that you remember that post.
Your close. They're Jack Russell Terriers.
I blame the dogs if my husband starts complaining. I keep telling him "I told you this was a breed that digs" ;D

My fish are pigs they will eat any earthworm I put in the tank. If it's too big they just play tug of war with another fish.

Donna :)

01-08-2003, 09:29 PM
Stone fox Terrier: Nothing, just pick and drop. if you have half of the fruit or potato lay on top of the soil. they'll all gether underneath to feed. All you have to do is to flip the piece out and Viola. Hundread of them in a big clump, clean and ready to serve. You don't need 12 jack Russell Terriers to do that job.LOL. ;D ;D ;D no digging is necessary.

01-18-2003, 11:48 AM
I recall that Jim Quarles stated in his book "Success with Discus" that earthworms were a perfect food for any fish & highly recommended them for discus.

01-21-2003, 07:58 PM
I heard that compost earthworms are really good. I think my wife is abit icky with them and you know what? I simply feel sorry for them.

Ever since I was a small boy we used to go fishing with earthworms and I used to hate using them as could feel their pain! I poke em with the hooks and they squirm the poor little things! It is easier with black worms as the whole worm gets eaten up and that is that. I don’t think my emotions can stomach a worm being ripped to pieces by my fish! Call me soft centred if you must! :-\ :'(
