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View Full Version : want to know about RO units

01-09-2003, 09:46 AM

Could someone please tell me about RO units.
I am thinking of buying one but would like to know more about them.
How much do you need to spend & how often do you need to replace filters and parts etc ?


01-09-2003, 10:04 AM
I think the spend part is really up to you and what your going to use it for.

I live in Florida and the water tastes nasty though fish like it. I have hard water with a high ph. So in my case I spent the extra money and got a home/tank filter system.

Check out www.airwaterice.com or check with RandalB (a member here). Both places/people have great prices and can help you answer the replacement questions better than I can.

The neat thing about RO units is that you can start with one that has a low GPD. If you find that you need more then when you replace the membrane you just go for a higher GPD membrane (your also supposed to replace a flow restricter somewhere as well but dont have to)

01-09-2003, 01:08 PM
Roger, You can also increse output of an R/O unit in two ways. If your water pressure is below 85 psi--you can add a booster pump. You can also piggy-back another membrane and vessel in sequence. Joe ;)

01-09-2003, 05:11 PM
The booster pump I had heard about, but they cost a fair amount of cash. I hadnt heard about adding another membrane inline.

Something to think about when the time comes.

01-10-2003, 04:08 AM

I really can't help you with Australian pricing info. I understand that RO units are crazy overpriced there. (They are pretty bad around here too if you go retail). I can tell you some basic maintenance info.

With decent feed water (Below 500 PPM TDS) you should have to replace the pre-filters on most RO units bi-annually. Membranes should be replaced every 2-3 years or as needed.

Again, No info available about how much pre-filters would run you in Australia. Here in the US Pre-filters should run around $27.00 per year and a membrane about $30.00

Don't hesitiate to fire away with more questions, I'll be happy to help if I can.
