View Full Version : Discus in Hawaii

01-19-2003, 03:58 AM
Next week I will be in Honolulu for a couple of days and I was wondering if there are any hobbiests or breeders that are up for a visit?? I have been in Hawaii for 10 days now and am suffering from discus withdraw :'(
( my wonderful wife has been fish sitting for me while I'm here working - yes I said working!!). Anyways I will be in Honolulu on Friday and Sat. next week with some time to kill - and I can't spend all my time on the beach 8). so..... anybody game??


01-19-2003, 10:51 AM
Scotz you couldn't be in a better place than Honolulu to pick of some nice Asian Discus. The man is Ray Kosaka of Discus Hawaii. He makes frequent visit's to such places as Singapore, Thailand, and Malaysia to stock his hatchery. Ray use to be a long time breeder and only imports now. I purchased quite a few Discus from Ray and you can't go wrong with what he get's. I haven't heard from him in a while but I have his latest price list and he has what you want. Give Ray a call at (808) 988-3521 at home or his Cell # is (808) 226-3312 only be aware of the time difference from the US to Hawaii. His wife doesn't like being woken up at 2:00AM.
Here's his address also. Ray Kosaka 3024 Puhala Rise, Honolulu, HI 96822
Let us know what he has in his Hatchery and tell him I said hi!
George Garcia
Phoenix, Arizona

Sorry Scotz I noticed your already there working? Yea right

01-19-2003, 11:13 AM

Send me an email dclubine@shaw.ca if you want some details of my experiences with Ray & Discus Hawaii.


01-20-2003, 02:47 AM
Enjoy honolulu. It's a very nice place.
