View Full Version : Culmination of a great trip !!!!!!!!

01-19-2003, 05:10 PM
I had the great pleasure of visiting some fellow fish addicts this past week. Drove to Caddo Mills,Texas and visited with John Nicholson. What a great guy !!!!!!! He has some really nice fish and quite a few babies. Put John on your list of friends to visit !!!!!!!

Then while on Reserve duty at Barksdale AFB LA, had a chance to visit with Julia Mann of Blue Moon Discus. Julia has always been a great friend and teacher to me. Her stock is depleted right now as she is taking a much needed break. Still a visit is a visit and had a nice time !!

Last but not least, I left Friday morning to visit Beth Adams. After hundreds of miles through the swamps, I made it !! No airboat needed ;D ;D ;D

As she promised earlier, I was treated to the finest venison dinner I have had. Gary, you missed the dinner bell !!!!! Backstrap and roast !!!!!

We sat around and talked fish, talked life, more fish, and more fish. I just couldn't keep my eyes off the WG X BD. They are even sweeter in person.

Sorry I wasn't what you pictured me as Beth !!!!!!!!!!!!! ROFL

Well, after a night of rest, I left for Kansas City. 16 hours and I arrived home safe. There can always be a roadtrip to see discus associated with business.

Try it, you'll love it,

Time spent with friends "Priceless"
16 hours on the road "Twice as priceless" "NOT" :P

Thanks Beth, Julia, and John !!!!!!!!


01-19-2003, 05:16 PM
Any pics Jack.

01-19-2003, 07:01 PM
Glad to hear you had a very good trip. Pictures would be nice.

Miles ;D

01-19-2003, 08:38 PM
yes jack....i know at least beth has an operational digicam?
maybe she will come through?

01-20-2003, 12:46 AM
Jack, You are one traveling man my friend. :) So tell us how meny discus miles do you have on that truck??? ;D ;D ;D

Glad you had a great time.


01-20-2003, 04:51 AM
ya and further more he get to meet the discus babe Beth..did u kidnapped some of her kids jack? ;D

01-20-2003, 09:15 AM
wb Jack!

sounds like a great time, did you remember to paint my name on a bomb?

01-20-2003, 11:00 AM
WB Jack. Sounds like you had a great time, discus people are the best!!

Don :thumbsup:

01-20-2003, 11:54 AM

Honestly, I pictured you to be a much older gray haired big guy :funny: It's kinda funny how you picture a person to look on the net and then see them in person and they're totally different :o

and yes Jack..... do tell.... how many Discus miles are on that truck????

Hi Guys and Gals.....

If any of you get the opportunity to meet Jack..... you'll love this guy ;)

I thoroughly enjoyed my visit from Jack, he's one of those guys that has his heart all into Discus ..... well and family too :) I don't know if I'd be a person strong enough to endure what Jack has been through and dive back into Discus the way he did :-\


:-[ he'll be back to get some of the kids ;)

I'm hoping to see him again in a month or so and maybe then I'll manage to get more pics ;) So here are a couple April ;) I was having a hard time keeping Jack away from the tank :o While Jack was sitting here observing the fish he was pointing out what looked like 2 more pairs forming :bounce: What on earth will I do with soooo many babies :crazy:

http://images.snapfish.com/33662%3A6%3B23232%7Ffp69%3Dot%3E2327%3D%3A49%3D858 %3Dxroqdf%3E2323368%3C33%3B36ot1lsi

http://images.snapfish.com/33662%3A6%3B23232%7Ffp6%3A%3Dot%3E2327%3D%3A49%3D8 58%3Dxroqdf%3E2323368%3C33%3B37ot1lsi

Who's my next victim for a visit???? Discus people are the Greatest!!!

Hurry back Jack.....


01-20-2003, 10:25 PM
Hmmmmmm, Ron and I haven't been anywhere in quite some time. What's for dinner :D


PS Beth, did you get my IM?

01-20-2003, 11:00 PM
KC Strikes again! 8)

01-20-2003, 11:47 PM
Hi Jack, Why did you go all the way to Texas to see great fish. Took road trip to Kansas City to vist Willie. Purchased seven peach pandas. Got home and thing I will sell what I have. Willies fish sure make mine look bad.

Glad you had good trip,


P.S. GO FOR A VIST GREAT FISH also he has some breeder size he may sell.

01-21-2003, 07:54 PM
Jack It was great to get to see you again. If I had known that you like vension I would have hed my wife cook for you. (if I had done the cooking I doubt you would have wanted it...) Make sure you come back in June so that you can hear Jack Wattley speak again.


01-24-2003, 11:31 AM
Wow how did this one pass me buy? ::)

Sounds like a blast Jack!. I thoroughally enjoyed Gipper, Matt Parsons, and Nora's visit back in October. They too had quite the long drive. :( We will have to get that Chicago meeting planned soon. Always a joy to meet everyone in person....

Julz :)

01-24-2003, 12:04 PM

I loved that trip so much, I am going back !!!! Feb 10-14 for another week of Reserves. And guess what, Beth is getting a repeat visit !!!!!!!! One adult BD male and some of my fry will be in her tanks !!!!!!!!

Get ready Beth !!!!

Oops, better not speak too soon, I am in the military !!!! And if that day comes, somebody better have the ability to drive to KC for some fish to babysit !!! LOL


01-26-2003, 06:58 PM
Pop in at anytime Jack ;)


01-27-2003, 12:53 AM
Jack-Maybe you need to come north next???


01-27-2003, 02:10 PM
Hi Jack, Why did you go all the way to Texas to see great fish. Took road trip to Kansas City to vist Willie. Purchased seven peach pandas. Got home and thing I will sell what I have. Willies fish sure make mine look bad.

Glad you had good trip,


P.S. GO FOR A VIST GREAT FISH also he has some breeder size he may sell.

Thanks Bob for the kind words. Hope everything is going well for you.


01-27-2003, 07:17 PM

Willie and I are going to meet this weekend, hopefully to see each others rooms. I had to go to Reserves so I always like to see friends when I go away on trips. I did see some great looking fish on my trip and I will see Willie's fish finally !!!


The trip was 2150 miles !!! Total miles for Discus in the last year, A BUNCH !!!!!!! ;D ;D ;D