View Full Version : Dark Discus

01-23-2003, 06:27 PM
I've noticed one of my friends discus is kind of dark, not like black but not as bright as usual. On the front of the face it's kind of got some marks, looks almost like your skin of your body if it was peeling, kind of like it's rubbing it's face on the side of the tank or the rocks. What is this dark color represent? I searched but the search returned just people asking if their discus were dark and did not specify what the darkness meant. Keep in mind he's not fully dark but just not as bright as usual.

01-23-2003, 07:30 PM
There are many things that make discus turn dark. Mood, illness, stress, you name it. There is nothing specific that we can tell you, because it could be a multitude of things.

Is your friend doing water changes everyday? Every other day? What's the parameters of the tank? How many discus are there, and how long have they been in the tank? Have any new fish been added recently? Do the fish eat or act normal?


01-23-2003, 08:45 PM
There are many things that make discus turn dark. Mood, illness, stress, you name it. There is nothing specific that we can tell you, because it could be a multitude of things.

Is your friend doing water changes everyday? Every other day? What's the parameters of the tank? How many discus are there, and how long have they been in the tank? Have any new fish been added recently? Do the fish eat or act normal?


Here's what I can tell you off the top of my head. Water changes are not done daily, every 2 weeks. PH is 6.0, temp is 86F no new fish have been added and they act, poop, and eat normally.

01-23-2003, 08:52 PM
My fish get a little dark and twitchy if I miss a couple days worth of water changes. I've never waited 2 weeks to see what they'd do. Anytime my fish are dark or acting strange I increase water changes, and may add salt if things seem bad (no appetite, etc.). Usually good, clean water will clear up little minor things. Try that first.


01-24-2003, 12:48 AM
Timid, It sounds like the advanced stages of Hole in the Head. Skin Peeling around facial area. Also look for what appears to be pinholes--although it could be beyond this stage to notice. :( Joe

01-24-2003, 12:55 AM

Maybe you could explain a little bit about what causes hole-in-the-head in discus? I know it could be a number of things, I've always heard it linked to poor diet and poor water quality, but are those the two main factors? Is there anything else? I would guess those fish probably need more water changes. Though if it's advanced, I'm not sure what the chances are of them coming around. I haven't had any experience with HITH, except a mild case in these heckels which has cleared up.
