View Full Version : Leopard Snakeskin juveniles spots?

01-25-2003, 10:47 PM
Does the spots on the Leopard Snakeskin juvenile[2 inches] become more rounder and cleaner looking when they get more mature?Everytime I see those show quality adult LSS in the other websites I wonder how those adults looked like[spots] when they were juveniles.Been checking out some juveniles LSS and have not seen any Juveniles that have perfect looking spots.Is it too obvious,I am planning to get some[doing my homework]?More headache!More headache!

01-26-2003, 10:16 AM
When i got my first lep ss as 2" juvies, they had no spots on them or anything. Now they are 4.5-5", and the spots are showing on most fish, and just coming in on others. I do think that every lep ss line develops differently, but you do need a little patience with them.


01-27-2003, 03:56 PM
LSS takes a while for the color to develop. Just like any Snakeskin or Leapord Discus the patterns don't start showing up until their 4-5 inch range. If you plan on buying 2" LSS your going to have to wait awhile for the patterns to show. "YES" they are pretty, but it takes time for them to develop. If you have the patience then go ahead. Also you may might want to read about the "ups' and "downs" of spotted discus. JMHO.

BTW PM or E-mail me for more details as I have a bunch of LSS.


01-27-2003, 05:17 PM
When picking 2'' juvs do I pick the ones with round spots but seperated apart or the ones with lots of spots but looks like they're all connected but also some seperated dots. I was partial to the seperated but not too much spots especially near the anal fins where you see nice seperated spots[round instead of kinda connected].

01-27-2003, 08:32 PM
I believe spots (that are really broken lines) may grow together to form lines as the discus matures. I've only had two of the leopard or "spotted" type (red turquoise based) discus.

The red spots on red spotted greens and PB's are different - more like an overlay or paint splatters? They don't grow together to form lines.

Carol :heart1:

01-27-2003, 11:36 PM
Allan, All Leopard snakes as well as leopards are not created equal! I have seen some leopards??? without any spots.

Leopard Snakeskins or any snakeskins for that matter , first get base color then pattern--then the spots. The spots start out on the outside perimeter of the fish and then converge towards the center --HOPEFULLY filling out the body. The surest way to get a high quality spotted fish is to look at the dorsal and anal fins. If they are only striated--pass! The higher quality spotted fish should also have some spots in these areas. IME, The spots are there to some degree at
2 1/2--3", but not in entirety. There are alot of people right now passing off ordinary snakeskins as leopard snakeskins and red Turquoise as leopards. I will post a pic of a juvenile and adult tomorrow if I can figure out how to do it. Joe

01-29-2003, 04:54 PM
In the gallery section, I posted some pics of various spotted discus and other miscellaneous fish--Warning--I am no photographer in the least! Joe

01-30-2003, 07:39 AM
you got that right! did you use brady's camera on those?


01-31-2003, 03:30 AM
Flogger, No I used Jose Feliciano's camera. Joe

01-31-2003, 03:39 AM
I have also seen juvs where they don't have any spots on certain parts of the body. Maybe 70 percent is covered and a bare area where it's spotless. Would it grow some spots in that area?I see shadow of spots but unclear. Thinking it would get darker and pronounce once they mature.Are they suppose to feed LSS color enhancer? I don't feed beefhearts. Only CBW/FBW and maybe some Azoo. Would the Azoo be enough? I only feed those in the morning.Trying to do my research first on these LSS. Thanks for any advise...........

02-01-2003, 01:20 AM
Letra, Some fish ---the spots may never fill in--others will blind you with spots. Color enhanced food cannot place spots where there is no capability to do so. Joe ;)