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View Full Version : Slime and dark coloured fish! HELP! :'(

01-26-2003, 10:06 AM
Recently bought some ring leopards from a local aquarium. The discus were definitely not sick then. I studied and observed.

After about 3 days, the fins started to turn whitish at the ends, then the fish started becoming dark, fins became clamped, slime start to peel off. Whitish coat in patches on the skin of the discus. Fishes are darting around and scraping off the glass and air tubings. But discus are eating well.

Really at a loss about what to do. So I added salt and increased the temperature. Stopped feeding frozen blood worms. Only feeding sparingly with tetra bits.

What medication can I buy off the shelf? Please help. Thanks in advance.

01-26-2003, 10:18 AM
Could you tell us what your water parameters are and whether or not you QT these fish or placed them in a tank with others? How long have you had them? etc.
This info would help with diagnosis.

Donna :)

P.S. Go to the Discus Help Checklist and try to answer as many questions as possible.