View Full Version : Discus Staying in Back of Tank - What Do I Do?

02-06-2003, 10:29 AM
I have 10 med. size discus in a 125g tank. Two of the discus tend to stay in the back of the tank and come out only rarely to eat and many times not at all. There appearance seems to be O.K. as is there color. Is there a medication or treatment I can add to the tank to head off any potential problem that may be brewing. This problem has been going on for about the last 10 days.
Many thanks for you anwser(s) in advance.
Is'nt this site great!!!!


02-06-2003, 10:36 AM
We need more info on your tank.

temp, ph, other fish, water changes, tank set up, how long had the fish, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, foods?


02-06-2003, 02:10 PM
I would start by increasing the Temp to 89-90 for a few days. Keep your eye out for other symptoms.. White Feces, Hith, ect... along with agression from other tank mates.

And yes give more info.


02-06-2003, 04:49 PM
I had a similar problem arise two weeks ago. I have 8 2-3inchers in a 55g tank - i've only had them three weeks. The first two weeks they were all over the tank and always begging for food. Then something happened and they began hiding in the corners, scared when i approached, and would wait for the food to drop to them. I couldn't see white feces or hith, but i did as Mike says - raised the temp from 86 to 88. I also did the salt treatment for 5 days. They seem to be coming around. They still back away when i come close to the tank, but once they see the food in the water, they come for it.

btw, they notice me from about 15 feet away, is their eyesight that good or is it something else?


02-06-2003, 04:56 PM
My discus are about 8 - 10 feet from my computer, on the other side of my bedroom. While I'm online, I sit with my back to them. When I turn around in my chair and they see my face, they all rush to the top of the tank and dance for food. So I'd say their eyesight is pretty good :)


02-06-2003, 07:00 PM
Thanks for the responses...the temp. in the tank is 86-87, ph is 6.90, additional fish in tank 20 cardinal tetras and 4 corys, food is a variety which is alternated and feed 3 times a day - bloodworms, Frozen ONF1, frozen beefheart and mysis shrimp. There is no white feces and I do 75% water changes 2 -3 times a week. I have had the fish for 7 months and purchased them all from Mike Wells.
If I use salt how do I administer, how much for how long and do I use regular table salt i.e Mortons or is there another kind to use? Thanks


02-06-2003, 07:07 PM
I can only say that when I have hiding or skittish fish, I usually just increase WC's and do a thorough glass, tubing, and filter cleaning a few times, and add some salt. This usually relieves the problem. Frank
Salt at 1 Tablespoon per10 gallons- any non-iodized salt will do.

02-06-2003, 07:52 PM
Hi Sam,

I agree with FCDiscus about salt and regular water changes/cleaning. It takes time for them to learn to trust you and normally healthy fish are a lot more trusting, but 7 months is a long time. I say keep up the strict cleaning routine, good quality food and they will come around after a few weeks of salt treatment.

Have you checked your water perameters? is it free of Ammonia/nitrite? Are you properly aging your water? (ie no chloromines etc?) Have you treid raising the temperature alittle? is the cory and tetra acticity scaring them?


02-06-2003, 10:15 PM
Hi folks.

When to use salt, do you think whenever you notice any disease, or is good to use regularly?
Do we have to take the carbon out, or everthing should be the same way?
Salt is intended for WHAT? sickness, maintenance, kill parasites, clean the body of the fish ? Maybe someone could give a detailed answer so everyone will be more aware of the salt efects.

By the way , I have 2 blood pigeon and 4 blue turquoise in a 55 gl tank.
I put a tube filter of the power head on the tube of my 5oo acquaclear filter, as a prefilter and to reduce the flow , but my fish when they see anyone walking they tend to hide behind it, not all the time , because when I aproach the tank they come right to me, I just knoc the glass slowly so they know is food time... It is a normal fuction when they hide for some reasons, if you move too fast, or strange noises, I think is normal.
If they stay back in the tank most of the time, they are sick, or the water is not in proper order, do a water test, check the pail where you aged your water, check your fish closely, if they don't come for bloodworms , they are sick for sure or stressed for some reason......
Sorry guys for the long story, but this site is all about this, RIGTH.
See you.


02-07-2003, 08:15 AM
You said that you use power head, is the flow of power head too strong for them, I had the similar problem I removed the power head, otherwise try diffusing the flow by using a pipe with holes just like Ehime’s discharge pipe.
Salt can be used to kill ick or white spots also it increases the ion exchange at fish's gills which is good for them.
But don’t use too much salt it increases the hardness of water. Use it only while treating the fish. Try changing 50% water and increase temperature.
You may consider moving your other fishes viz. tetra etc to other tank and leave the discus on their own. Mine did well when I kept them on their own (They are thriving!!)
Hope this helps a bit.

02-07-2003, 08:45 AM
Please take the Cories out before adding salt. They won't like it at all. (neither will you).

02-08-2003, 07:57 PM
Should I use the salt w/ the carbon, or do I have to take the carbon out??????????????

Anyway do you use carbon in your filter , is a must have or not really needed .

I replace my carbon monthly, and do 10% water change every two days, Ihave 55gal w/ 6 discus of 2" and two of 3".
I also have in a filter some peat to soft the water, but is allways at 7.8 and 150 ppm hardness, I don't have a RO because it cust $400 canadian dll., and I'm not breeding right now so I think is not necessary. I'm in Toronto (Ca.)

See you . (Boa noite) goodnight in portuguese.


02-08-2003, 10:28 PM
Hi Joao:
You don't need carbon unless you are removing meds. I'm betting your problem is insufficient water changes. You really need to increase your water changes to 20% everyday.

Your water is fine for raising discus. You don't need the peat. It's not doing much in your water anyway.

Only add salt when you notice a problem. Salt increases the total disolved solids, but not the hardness.

02-09-2003, 12:24 AM
Thanks, all of you ... You, we all are a great help to each other.

I have two discus with a tiny white spots in the tail, should I be worried with that if they not growing, my temp. is 29 C, tha's what shows 3 ter. that I have, but my tronic 200w heater is set for 93 F, 34C, and another small radiant for the same temp., in a 55gal, but looks is not strong enough for the tank is that ok?

Anyway , the white spots are my concern!

Thank you.

02-09-2003, 03:37 PM
29 degrees is fine. The white spots are probably a fungus or bacteria. You are not changing enough water. Do extra water changes, clean inside tank and filter.

02-09-2003, 09:51 PM
Thanks Carol, you've been a great help.
