View Full Version : Adding discus to water with different ph

02-09-2003, 05:36 PM
Say that perhaps a person has a discus currently living in water with a ph of about 8 that they would like to buy. This person has water with a ph of 6.5. Any ideas on how to add said discus without killing it? :)

02-09-2003, 08:26 PM
Not sure how everyone else does it but this is what I do:
I put the fish with old water in it into a bucket. Add a cup or two of water from your tank with it. repeat every 5 minutes or so to gradually get the water the same. Once in a while I take a cup back out to keep room for more water. After about an hour or so I net the fish and add to the tank.

I am curious as to how others do it. This has worked well for me.

02-09-2003, 08:30 PM
that's how I do it.....

02-09-2003, 08:59 PM
I do the same thing but add about the same amount new water as old water then I use a air line and drip the rest of the water into the 5 gal bucket with the fish. for about 2 hrs.

02-09-2003, 10:20 PM
AJB, Why not lower your Ph to around 6.8 and do the discus grenade toss in the tank? depending on if the fish was shipped --was it not fed for 1-2 days prior to shipping? If not, the bag may have alot of ammonia buildup and oxygen will activate it to dangerous levels. I do not drip anything as with a large shipment there is no time for theatrics! Joe ;D

02-09-2003, 11:14 PM
Are you trying to say Discus comes from pH 8 and you have 6.5pH in tank at home?

If yes, then 24 hours before bringing discus home add a bit of baking soda to raise pH to 7.8 in home tank. Remove discus from bag, put in tank. Do a couple of 10% water changes in one day then daily water changes with your regular water.

02-10-2003, 10:54 PM
I have a tank with a ph of 6.5 and will be getting discus from a local store that has a ph of 8. They have excellent fish and I don't need show quality fish, and they aren't to terribly expensive, so I figured why not get a few. I have read about how to pick out discus..their roundness, ect., and these discus are all very nice. He just dosen't have co2 or anything running so the ph is 8 in all the tanks.

02-10-2003, 11:27 PM
Baking soda will raise the pH. Add a little at a time until your tank is close to 7.8. Do all this the day before so it is stable.