View Full Version : Discus Plague

02-10-2003, 05:48 PM
I am just returning to discus :D after being gone 3+ years :(. My question is: What is the "Discus Plague"? How is it treated?

02-10-2003, 07:44 PM

Unfortunately....no one knows what it was.....how it came to be.....or where it went....or for that matter, IF it really was to begin with. Confused yet?....Good! Now your just like everyone else. Ask ten people...and you'll get ten different answers.


02-10-2003, 08:02 PM
hi. and glad to see you have returned.
the best thing to do to be assured you dont need to worry about it....is get all your fish at the same time from the same breeder....and when you get a new group make sure you quarantine and keep all hoses and nets etc separate. and wash hands in between. if you buy here there and everywhere..sooner or later..your luck runs out.
its not one discus plague....there are many many viruses and protozoans that can be spread. only way of knowing what your dealing with and what to treat with is by having a fish tested at a lab to see what works .

02-11-2003, 03:08 PM
Thanks for coming in today Tony!!! ;D

Hi Marti,
unfortunately Tony's concise explanation is right on. Its a big unknown.

heres some reading material for you....

http://forum.simplydiscus.com//index.php?board=21;action=display;threadid=1139;st art=0


02-11-2003, 08:30 PM
Thanks, guys, for your response. It is all as clear as mud now. ;D
I recently saw an ad for Plague-Away, so I was wondering what it was. If noone knows what it is, how can there be a treatment for it? ???

02-11-2003, 09:36 PM
That sounds like a question for Marc Weiss! Frank ;)

02-11-2003, 11:26 PM
discus plague seems to be bad and wipes out the whole lot of discus.
lost atleast 40 in a go at a time. very sad to see the fish in such a state.
according to me, they dash from here and there. start circling around and gone within an hour.

everytime anyone tends to touch the tank and the tank equipments, his/her hands should be clean. i.e washed with dettol or antiseptic. and after finishing working at tank, one must again wash his/her hands.
it has worked great for me since i lost many fish in discus plague.

the cause is unknown, but to have said that it passes from humans to the fish. it could be fever that is passed on, or sometimes we sneeze in the water while cleaning the tank and thus the virus spreads. this was the cause that i could figure out that killed my fish.

to be simple....... when we are suffering from fever or cough and cold, we must be very careful while touching the tank.
