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View Full Version : Spawning on the driftwood

02-10-2003, 11:59 PM
Want to share my frustration ...

The female spawned again. Yet the male is not around due to Heximita






02-11-2003, 01:02 AM
They will get it right eventually. You took some nice pics there. Thanks for posting them.

02-11-2003, 09:04 AM
Your photos didn't show much of the tank but it looks great, I especially like the driftwood. And how did you take the close ups, I can't get mine in focus even from far away.
She seems to be taking care of the eggs even though they aren't fertile, how long has she done that? Hopefully the next time will involve better timing.
It looked like cardinals, rummies, and rasboras, do they school together or was that just the photo? Have they stayed away from the eggs?

02-14-2003, 12:31 AM

I just removed the driftwood tonight to make some more swimming room for the lady :(. Trust my visual art talent, it will look better :D and I will post pictures again.

I am not a good photographer but, with digital camera, it doesn't cost a dime to experiment with apperture/shutter. My camera just happens to have macro feature. The lens was right on the glass when I took the pictures without flash. I did have some brightness enhancement done in Photoshop though.

Yeah, she is a very good mother. It's the second time she'd done this. I can see her torn between getting food from me and guarding the eggs. She has to chase away the cardinals.

You are right on all the species. The rummynose school the best (I have 13 of them). I will double the number soon and it will be much more spectacular. In fact, they don't school as good as they do in the wild as they don't feel any threats from other predators. A pirahna will train them good ;D

02-14-2003, 12:53 AM
Apperture? Shutter? I guess I better read my instruction manual, no wonder I'm having trouble.

I love my rummies and they ARE good schoolers. Mine are intimidated by the discus (even though none of them have been eaten) and stay clear of them. I've got 22 rummies and would like to have 100 some day.