View Full Version : New fry.. Gimme some clues.

02-15-2003, 10:12 AM
Okay, so after a year of trying, my favourite pair have finally got the plot. The fry attached to the parents on Monday and the pair have given them excellent care.

At what point are the pair likely to get tired of being eaten alive? At what point will the fry be able move to crushed flake or something simple that's not BBS (I'm feelin' a little lazy for BBS)?

I'm torn between the temptation to try to save the fry from possible predation by the parents and the desire to just let nature take its course (as much as can happen in an aquarium of course).

I've raised plenty of African cichlid fry, that were smaller than these fry, on crushed flake alone so my gut feeling is that they could move over and make it.. I know a lot of you guys would go to BBS first, but...

Well, I guess I'm just after some thoughts :)


ps. Joe, if you're watching, these are two of yours.. One that I got @ the 2001 ACA up here in Jersey and one that I picked up @ your place toward the end of 2001. Both are stunning fish (IMO) and you're a grandpa again :D

02-15-2003, 03:06 PM
Mine start to eat CBW at 2 weeks and remove from parents at 3 weeks. You can try the bbs replacements - mine did not like them as well