View Full Version : pink diherria ?

larry lob
02-15-2003, 10:31 AM

my famale is pooing pink sludge! (can't be good)

Basicaly it's like diherria (can't spell the shits) it comes out like you couldn't beleive a fish has that much room inside.

it's not stringy it's not white and i am lost.

Any ideas would be appreiciated water perams normal and they layed eggs 4 days ago. she looks fine, eats well and shows no symptoms of anything other than pink diherria.



02-15-2003, 11:23 AM
Hi Larry,
What are You feeding?

larry lob
02-17-2003, 05:12 AM
Hi Cary,

Sorry i was away for the weekend, i am feeding them mostly frozen bloodworm, black mosquito larve, flake and some beefheart.

This has been thier diet for ages with the odd treat now and then but they have had nothing new or any treats for a while.

she is still pooing the same it's been 4 - 5 days now.



02-17-2003, 12:24 PM
I'd switch to just bloodworms for a day or two and watch for 24 hours. If its still the same , fish may have an internal bacterial probelm.

Hopefully it doesn't

larry lob
02-18-2003, 06:26 AM
Hi Brew,

I'll try that. The starnge thing is it's not white or stringy but she dropps her guts big time and it's a sludge that comes out. Wierd



02-20-2003, 01:06 AM
Hi Larry,
From What Your saying Sounds like the start of dropsy to Me With out the late stages of bloat showing! However Dropsy is more a yellow off white in color sludge. Matbe try Brew's advise and see if You notice a change. I Cannot see dropsy being pink in color. Are You adding anything to Your Beefheart? Or do You buy it? from were? Larry is this Discus a good eater?

Keep Us posted
Cary Gld!

02-20-2003, 01:12 AM
Ive noticed my fish poop redish pink after i feed them tetra color bits, maybe its something that you are feeding that contains some red pigment. Maybe shrimp in your mix or maybe flakes or some red color enhancing food, still the slimmy part is weird. Does the fish poop alot at once or does it poop all day long?

02-20-2003, 02:30 AM
Nasty oscar! LOL! ;)

larry lob
02-20-2003, 05:57 AM
Right Gentlemen,

Thanks for the insights, and i don't know what she had, however she is back to normal.

There are no colours in her food and she eats well, all i can put it down to is that she was not 100% happy. she has a hard time with young on her back and shows stress bars, her partner in the same tank always glows.

she is now back to shitting black bricks and seems fine, maybe i gave them some food that was not good i don't know.

the poo was definatly pink and it came out of her like silicone from a gun lol.

but all seems well now ??? ;D :-X :-\

Thanks guys


P.S OEG i change water she poos, she eats then she poo,s, i smile at her she poo,s and oh yeah she just pooed again.

02-20-2003, 12:06 PM
Very Good! ;D