View Full Version : Help Pls

02-15-2003, 11:58 AM
hi.A mth back,i had 7 discus in my 2" tank,but my uncle took 5 discus away,leaving 2 discus in the tank now.
Since then,the 2 discus had been very inactive,and not eating.They keep hiding in the corner....

Are there any ways for my discus to resume to what they used to be??? I just love to see them swim to me whenever i wanted to feed them...

02-15-2003, 01:03 PM
Yes, Discus are much more social in larger groups. The only way i could see them going back to normal would be to get them some more tankmates. BUT...to get them more tankmates, i believe you would need a larger tank than just 2' (I assume you mean 2', and not 2" :) ). Would it be possible for you to get a bigger tank?


02-15-2003, 01:51 PM
i am not be able to get another bigger tank...because i had another 2 big tanks which belongs to my dad.He himself had kept 6 other fishes there.Well,its just sad if they cant be active as before :-[

02-15-2003, 06:21 PM
Well not sure what to tell you....that size tank really isn't large enough for much outside of a pair.
Good luck with whatever you decide to do.


02-15-2003, 07:07 PM
Tell us a little bit more about your tank. Are there tankmates? What is the water like (temperature, pH)? Do the fish eat anything at all? Have you noticed dark colors or clamped fins, anything unusual? Have you ever seen white, stringy feces?

Your biggest concern right now is the fact that the fish do not eat, or at least that you have seen. Many things can cause this, often it's something stress-related. There are people who keep discus in smaller numbers than what is normally suggested, so it can work.

Tell us more about your tank and setup.


02-16-2003, 01:17 AM
Well,the siZe of my tank is 2 feet... and there are no white spots or any diseases.What i notice is whenever i on the light or get close to them,their fins will flip at a much faster rate(not sure whether im using the right words)

For water concern,its clean...but since they dont eat,practically the food are wasted.And for the temperature and ph... i didnt measure it.As in Singapore,i heard from others that i need not bother about the ph and temp of the water...