View Full Version : My New Babies from Jack

02-17-2003, 12:55 PM
Hi Everyone :wave:

As some of you already know, Jack (Discus KC) has been to my home for a visit ;D a few weeks back...... well he came in again last weekend for another :o

Well not only a visit..... he brought with him a couple of boxes, in those boxes were some of his baby BD's ;D He did let me know ahead of time he was going to bring me some babies and that I should have a tank set up and ready for them. Ofcourse I did.

Well not only did he bring the babies he also acclimated them for me....... Now how's that for being on the recieving end of shipped fish ;D

The babies weren't stressed at all. They were eating within the first half hour after acclimating them...... such voracious appetites they have :o


The babies are doing FANTASTIC!!! and you know I'll feed them well...... so don't worry about them .... hehehe... Hell... they're already gaining some size ;D

Thanks A Million Buddy :thumbsup: I'm hoping to see you again soon ;)

Anyway Guys and Gals, here's a couple shots I took this morning. there's nothing like having new babies in the house.... Discus babies that is ;D

http://images.snapfish.com/33686%3C9923232%7Ffp6%3B%3Dot%3E2327%3D%3A49%3D858 %3Dxroqdf%3E23233755%3A9884ot1lsi

http://images.snapfish.com/33686%3C9923232%7Ffp6%3B%3Dot%3E2327%3D%3A49%3D858 %3Dxroqdf%3E23233755%3A9885ot1lsi


02-17-2003, 01:36 PM
Hi Beth, could you please give me Jack's phone number? I´d like to invite him over my place! ;D ;D ;D

But i think he won´t come :(, as i'm a little bit far from you guys. I live in São Paulo - Brazil!

Anyway, nice discus and nice friends you´ve got there!

See you! ;)


02-17-2003, 01:50 PM
Ahhhhhhh Love is in the AIR!!!!! :heart2: :love: ;D :blushing:
Real nice looking Beth!! :thumbsup:
good luck with them....
chuck 8)

02-17-2003, 01:56 PM
I think that should be the new "Standard of Excellence" for all discus sellers. If I buy discus from you it should be part of your service to drop off the discus to me and get them acclimated. Once they're doing fine and eating you can return home ;D

Of course, I don't expect to have to pay anything extra for this new & improved service :) :D ;D


02-17-2003, 03:44 PM
Wow Diamonds as a Valentine gift? Jack sure knows how to pick the right gifts (don't ask me what I gave my wife for Valentines..lol).

Darn, I told Jack that Chapel Hill was on the way to your house--and he was suppossed to drop off a few of those babies here--too bad I guess the he reads maps a little too well to believe me!

Beth I can't wait to see how big you get these guys to grow. Maybe they'll make an interesting cross with your F1 WGxBD.

Now how do I convince Jack to come to my house.....hmmm maybe some microbrew and a few good steaks.....

Best of Luck Beth,


02-17-2003, 03:44 PM
lol, I second the notion ;D ;D ;D

nice frys Beth.

02-17-2003, 05:44 PM
Love the fish Beth.....and if they turn out anything at all like the WG x BD, you'll be set :) .


02-17-2003, 08:10 PM
What Service :o :o :o :o :o :o :o :o

Oh and nice fish to


02-17-2003, 08:56 PM
Daniel........ hmmmmmmm.... Brazil huh? that is a far peice :-\ then again just say road trip to Jack and ya never know ;D

Gary.......... Can it get any better that that? ah! but yes it can..... I tried to get Jack to stay an extra day to do wcs as well ;D hehehe..... Although I guess I should place a new order with Cary and Joe and see if either will be willing to make the trip ;D

Hey Pat.... I'm telling you it's not real hard to convince Jack..... just say road trip, he really likes those ;D

Thanks Everyone


02-17-2003, 09:13 PM
What about road trip to Australia???? Lol... I wish...

Nice babies... Beth & Jack... There is nothing like Blue Diamond. No more discus babies for me for a while, so I just have to enjoy other people's for now....

Keep posting the pics... I really want to see how they grow :).


ari :)

02-17-2003, 10:57 PM

I can hardly wait to buy some of YOUR fry, from that favorite red female of mine, and have you set up EVERYTHING for me ;D Make sure you let me know when you have fry available ;D


02-17-2003, 11:19 PM
Hi Beth nie fish, Tell Jack if his ever thougt of doing a roud trip to Puerto Rico ;D :P

Have fun with those db

02-18-2003, 09:44 AM
Hey Ari...... if you can talk Jack into making that road trip, that would be a road trip I'd love to make ;D

Hey Gary.... it's all in the making ;) Now as far as setting up EVERYTHING........ hmmmmmmm........ I'll let you know.

Hi MGR.... Puerto Rico..... sounds like that may be a difficult road trip too :-\

Thanks Again Everyone


02-18-2003, 12:00 PM
good stuff Jack!!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

02-18-2003, 04:20 PM
Looks Good Beth, I bet your real happy with em. :)


02-18-2003, 09:20 PM
So cute! the babies and their keeper!! ;) :D
