View Full Version : Clear Feces, doesnt look white.

02-26-2003, 05:59 PM
Hi, I have a 4" Discus which had a bloated tummy 10+ days ago and had not eaten in 10+ days, at first, I used Epsom Salt and it started to dump. When it first started the feces are brown looking (normal) . But his tummy were still bloated, so I increased the Epsom Salt. And he dumpped more. But the feces are no long brown, it is clear. I mean you can see that it is feces but it is hollowed, and his tummy are still bloated. I have 10 Discus and the rest are all fine. Eating and fighting. I am wondering the clear feces means he has internal parasites or his because he has not eaten 10 days and he has nothing to dump while the Epsom Salt makes him want to go??

Thanks in Advance

02-26-2003, 08:24 PM
If it has gone on 10 days it is possibly dropsy. (internal bacteria)
You can continue epsom salt.

Also use Kanacyn. 1st dose double the dose, after that follow the instructions. temp 82F.


02-27-2003, 09:30 AM
Thanks, Ardan. I have started to use Hexamin (I think this is hope to spell it). I only used half the dosage, because I have clown loaches, and otos. They are sensitive to meds. Any way I know it will take longer if I use half the dosage. But this morning, I see more of his hollow feces. Its like 1" long. I think he is starting to go more now. I will continue with the treatment and hope for the best.

Thanks again