View Full Version : Discus size relative to tank question.

02-27-2003, 09:19 PM
G'day all!

I don't know if Discus will grow in proportion to the tank size, or will they continue to outgrow the tank?

I have 4 juviniles in a 190 litre tank (I can't get a bigger size as I live in a unit in the inner city). I'm wondering if this might be a wee bit small when the discus reach adulthood?

Also in this decorated tank are a small shoal of neons and 4 small bottom feeders/catfish for cleaning purposes.

Your expertise will be appreciated.


02-28-2003, 12:49 AM
Ok want to help but my math stinks....anyone know what 190 liter is equal to in US gallons?


02-28-2003, 01:00 AM
Oops sorry........Thats about 50 us gallons I think.

Please USA hurry up and convert to metric!!!! LOL


02-28-2003, 01:07 AM
James, thanks.....yeah us Americans just dont get that new math HA HA

50 gallons will be fine to grow out discus in...but I would try and keep at least 6, they do better in larger groups...

Tell us a little more about your tank.....BB, planted ???


02-28-2003, 10:53 AM

If your 4 get along without excessive bickering, they are fine by themselves. The rule you will hear a lot is 10 gallons per fish for optimal growth. It's a good rule. Your 4 will grow just fine in that tank!

I also agree, let us know more about your tank and what kind of fish you have!


02-28-2003, 06:31 PM
Hi again!

Thanks for the advice. I was aware of the 10 gallon rule, and your advice confirms that it is fine to keep them housed as they are. Thankyou!

My tank is a display tank, only 3ft long, but 2ft high. The discus seem to do remarkably well in this height.

I used to have a planted tank, with gravel , and some bogwood. The discus did ok, but I found that after a bout of flukes, I found it very hard to eradicate them in the planted tank, probably due to hidden eggs in the substrate. It could be controlled but not eradicated.

Therefore, I decided to go BB, except having a few different sword plants kept in glass pots, a anubias (on bog), and a piece of bogwood. The setup looks great is still natural looking, and it's so easy to clean compared to the substrate! In addition, I can move the pots around to create new territories in case of discus politics, and change the clay/laterite fertiliser for the plants with the simplest of ease.

In the tank I have 8 neons (they have never been chased by the discus, unlike other peoples experiences), I have, would you believe ,a pair of sunset platies (they do great even though the ph is 5.5). I have them for two reasons, they eat any scraps the discus leave behind, including algae, and they provide live fry to eat once a month! (cruel I know). I have a couple of dwarf rams, a cory, two khuli loaches and a a couple of flying foxes, the ultimate garbage consumers. I know this sounds a bizarre mixture, but it seems to work in great harmony. As the discus grow, i'll probably move most of the other fish out.

If I ever have to treat for flukes etc, the above fish (except the cory) will never be effected by even the harshest chemicals, like dylox, which is lucky.

I'll try and get a picture up at some stage to see what you think.

Finally, about the discus question you asked. The four get on quite OK, even though there is a definate pecking order. I have a solid golden 'sunrise' (who knows with these new fan-dangled names), a snakeskin, a red marl, and a blue diamond.

Thanks so much again for your advice. If you see any problems about my setup, from what i've described, any feedback would be most welcome.

