View Full Version : Divider for discus tank

03-03-2003, 12:24 AM
Hi ppl,
i want to divide my 3 foot tank into two for keeping two pairs as i've finally decided to breed them. im planning to put up a glass barrier in the middle.
My doubt is whether it is ok for the two pairs to see each other or not. ??? ??? ??? or would it be a disturbance ???

03-03-2003, 12:29 AM
Are you going to have filters and heaters on each side? If not you will need to buy something the water can flow thru. They sell plastic tank dividers, the ones I've seen are clear.

03-03-2003, 12:42 AM
You can replace the plastic part of the store-bought dividers with accordingly cut pieces of SOFT window screen (NOT the metal kind) This is dark (usually black) in colour, lets water flow through easier than the original plastic stuff, and is kinder to fish noses when they rub up against it, as one side of the plastic barrier is rather rough.

03-03-2003, 09:15 AM
Thanks a lot!

03-03-2003, 10:08 AM

I have seen split breeder tanks where someone siliconed a glass panel in the middle of a 55 gallon tank , leaving a 1" space at the bottom and a space at the top.

As for the fish being disturbed, the breeders I have been to all have their breeding tanks in a row so that all fish can see the fish in the tanks next to them. I've been told it focuses the fish on being a pair - with an apparent threat nearby.
