View Full Version : WINTER SUCKS !!!!!!!!

03-04-2003, 05:02 PM
Ok I surrender,I give up,I promise to be good,eat all my veggies,maybe say nice things about RED,well maybe....PLEASE GOD,stop the winter!!!!!!
This time last year I had all my cars out and was crusin...even had the top down,with the heater on...yea I'm old but not toooo nuts....tunes blasting......Today,well not too bad but they are predicting a storm tonite and tomorrow with another 6 " of the evil white death.....
And don't tell me that if I don't like it I can move...sure I could,but the bride would divorce me and I wouldn't have the cars to play with anyway...new grandma with grandson living just around the corner...I couldn't get her out of here with TNT
The way it's going we will have snow till easter...well it does give me lots of time to play with the fishies,watch the boob tube,read a lot..and just for you RED...clean the house,do the laundry etc,etc....
Well thats my ranting for now,time to go rearrange my sock drawer............ :P :P


03-04-2003, 05:11 PM
LOL...you're too much =)

Its not the snow I hate its the constant cold. It has even reach a low -30 degrees (not Fahreheit) here in Montreal. It was like -30degree yesterday but today its like -2 degree. You explain what is going on...I truly don't know.

But whatever it is...get over it already!!!!! >:(



03-04-2003, 05:20 PM
Mench it only sucks if you don't have one of these. These babies will let you do the same as the car in the great old "evil white death"

03-04-2003, 05:29 PM
This thread is why I moved from Philadelphia to South Florida over 20 years ago. Two days ago Sunday March 2, it was 90 degrees. Todays only about 85 with the overnite lows in the low seventies.

03-04-2003, 05:43 PM
Here in Illinois, we are in the midst of getting a projected foot of snow! Yeehaaaaa! Actually, we have been very lucky in Illinois for the past several years with mild winters, so overall I cannot complain. But ohhh I do hate the snow.

Don ;D

03-04-2003, 06:30 PM
Brian,yep those ar nice,only draw back I see with them is you have to go out in the SNOW AND COLD to use them.....Hello,I HATE them BOTH,so why would I go out to play in it???????
Well the bride is going to be mad at me when she gets home from work...I have the heat turned WAY up and am running around in my shorts listening to beach music.....Maybe tomorrow I will go to Home Depot and buy some bags of sand and spread it around the fish room,make some island drinks,turn on the sun lamp and dream.........

Mench 8) :P :P

03-04-2003, 06:58 PM
Me thinks a "ROAD TRIP" to a MUCH warmer climate is in order. What do say "travelling buddy".

Maybe we should find out from Beth A how the weather is in New Orleans. Isn't it Mardi Gras time down there ;D


03-04-2003, 07:26 PM
;D ;D

03-04-2003, 07:57 PM
Mench and Gary,
I'd offer for you guys to make a road trip down here but it's just as cold here as it is there. We have had a really wet winter here this year. Maybe July before the yard dries out.


03-04-2003, 08:14 PM
HHHHIIIMMMMM Warm weather road trip......well sounds ok,can ya get away for ...say.....maybe 3 to 4 weeks?????????? :D 8)


03-04-2003, 08:18 PM
Being from the Chicago area I feel your pain, but now I'm in LA. :sun: :sun: ;D

03-04-2003, 09:03 PM
Mench, come on down but bring those adults you want to sell....them maybe we'll talk... ;D ;D ;D


03-04-2003, 09:05 PM
Maybe I should move from Wisconsin to New York... NOT!

Third winter now with out any snow, thats why I traded my snowmoblie for a tank! Don't need it :) Yet this 15 below for a month sucks!
Maybe you guys can take the cold with you next year along with the snow again :o

03-04-2003, 09:54 PM
GREAT!! I have to agree with the MENCHASAURAS! >:( >:( >:( >:( ::) ::) ::) :P
Ya ya yaaaa... I agree... I was at work all day and I would walk out of my office.. (CLOSET TO YOU DON! LOL) and it would go from BLIZZARD to SUN! Then of course since someone needed Propane and that happens to be me or the owner who can do that... now why the *&^ would he be there when he has me!! >:( So out into the BLIZZARD to Earn my 3 bucks an hour!! THEN ya know The Clean the (*&%^ Windows off this MONSTER TRUCK BLAZER no kidding this blazer has this really high lift kit and HUGE TIRES my Dog has to Reeeeeeally TRY to PEE ON! >:( Oh this BEAST of a vehicle I am Stuck Loaning until *(&^ knows WHEN THE *&^% I am EVER GOING TO GET MY CAR BACK FROM THIS (@&!)($#@*!$@_ SHOP!!! THEN......I get to my house that is 65 degrees...... NO it was probably COLDER as the Heater is set at 65!
I walk in from work and picking up I am NOT EVEN SURE WHO THESE KIDS BELONG TO!! LMAO! Right as the heater kicks on! see here we heat by Wood or pellet stoves.. if you hear the heater kick on here.. YOU FREAK!!! as you hear the DOLLAR SIGN CHINGING!!! Dollar signs flash in you're head.. Yah just Like the CARTOONS! LOL our gas is all propane here! :-\
NOW WHERE WAS I!????? OH YAH!... Ya know.... I wouldn't mind the snow if it Could SNOW IN WINTER!!! (this would be the Months of WINTER ...example NOVEMBER DECEMBER JANUARY!!) I was out washing my car in December! YAH THE CAR THAT IS IN THE ($*@#$^(@ SHOP!! THAT CAR!!! MENCH!!!! Can you please fly out and fix my car!! :waaa: :waaa: :waaa: :waaa:
I HATE WINTER!!!!! <<<<<See me WHINE.... I can Whine just like the Mench when I wanna! Ha ha haaaa

always wondered if I got a Snowmobile if I would LOATH winter as much.... Nah then I would have to give up my winter sport of COUCH, WARM FLANNEL JAMMIES and watchin my fish! ;D sigh..... the peace of it all.....
OH!! Peace.... That reminds me...I better go let my kids out of the Closet! Takes me a while to Remove the duct tape......
Hey I know Mench.... I will Pack the six of us...(gotta bring the Doggies ;D) Fly down and spend a couple weeks with you ! :o :o :o ;D and Before long.... WINTER WON'T SEEM ALL THAT BAD!
Whew.... I feel SO MUCH BETTER NOW! Thanks all... just send me a bill! LOL
Adore ya later
RED :gorgeous:

03-04-2003, 10:46 PM
Jerry, I don't know about South Florida, but Central Florida has had rain for about 4 days straight now. It's been cool and breezy, nice "open your windows and let the house air out" weather ;D I dread the summertime though, I hate extremely hot/humid weather.


03-04-2003, 10:59 PM
I just went out to get my dog and it is a BLIZZARD!
but...its that """FUN""" snow like little styrofoam thingers.....
I just Cursed Mench and went back inside...Thought about opening a Window for a NICE BREEZE! argh argh ::) ::) ::)
He is wishing it away so bad that we are all getting it now! :waaa: :waaa: :waaa:
That is what I like about where I live Ryan... it goes from BELOW ZERO to 110 in one month No in between... No Gradual change.... Just Put the snow shovel up and Plug in the air! and No hard to believe I am NOT kidding :) :D


03-04-2003, 11:06 PM

I'm sure I could get free for 3-4 weeks. The question is with your RETIREE schedule can YOU get free :) :D ;D


PS My new discus are FINALLY coming from John N. on Friday. My fish room is in the mid 70's, c'mon over :)

03-05-2003, 02:41 PM
We have way too much snow here in RI ... I liked the greenhouse effect of the past decade, not the psudo-Pleistocine Ice Age era we seem to be going thru this year ...

HOWEVER, tomorrow at this time I'll be on the 8th hole of some golf course outside Jacksonville FL, anticipating cold drafts at the 19th hole after we complete our first golfing hi-jinx of 2003 ... yeah me! ;D

03-05-2003, 05:22 PM
All that snow is why I left NJ and moved to GA. I haven't seen snow in 10 years and I certainly don't miss it. ;D

Donna :)

03-05-2003, 05:25 PM
Hey Mench, its around 70 today where I live...HA HA


03-05-2003, 09:36 PM
We were -41.......anyone want to trade?
Summer up here is just a thaw on the skating rink


03-05-2003, 11:51 PM
Hi all,
:sun: Hey Mench, Ya only got a few more weeks until :sun: good ol' Vegas, baby! Ok, now let me tell y'all 'bout the weather today. It was about 70 D' grees ;D and :sun: shining all over the wonderful Vegas Valley! It's supposed to be 80 Degrees this weekend and beautiful. Why do I put up with boiling hot summers here..........'cause I HATE the cold! Did everyone hear me on that one........I HATE THE COLD! Hey Karen, ya free the beginning of April to come on down and hang out with me and Mench here in Area 51-ville? The only negative 'bout this place is that our water comes outta the tap like a liquid volcano of rock it's so damn hard! I too hate the winter, growin up a Cali boy and all. Gotta go mow my lawn, it won't stop growin from all the damn rain and sun! :D


03-06-2003, 05:26 AM
ya all should move on up to the Canadian Rockies. Today we got a complet WHITE-OUT, not a blizzard - but a big cloud full of snoow deceided to stop and set herre. 12 inches of the fresh white stuff.. Temperature wise... anything from 10 C. above to - minus 40 C. below zero. Mostly in the same day. The lakes are froozen solid, ice fishin is great... big lake trout. The river is froozen, makes for easier drivin' to the pub. .Just like a toboggan run.
Break out the 4by's and snowmobiles, all rubber is studded.
The discus just enjoy the sun, now that it is starting to come out; remember we don't get the sun much moren' 3 hours a day. Cutting the lawn...hahahahahahaits buried under 3-4 feet of the white stuff. come to think of it, so is the lawnmover, some where...
Well , *** long as I can find the BBQ. things are fine.

Smokey.. in the great white north.

larry lob
03-06-2003, 05:45 AM
Hey i got it!!!!

why don't you all up and move to england we have one garentee over here, 365 days of GREY ! >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:( >:(


03-06-2003, 07:39 AM
Hi Larry, I'll trade you. I love rain and dreary days. Of course the bad thing is it makes me want to stay in bed, so I'd never want to go to work or school. It rained for five days straight (just ended yesterday, as a matter of fact) and I loved it. I slept with my windows open so the breeze could come in and I could hear the rain. I woke up everyday smiling. Wish it'd rain more often! (I'll probably be kicking myself for that come Hurricane Season, when we're preparing to do battle with Mother Nature)...

Smokey, your post reminded me of a quote... "I think Global Warming is a big lie. Where are all those experts now, while I'm freezing my *** through another long winter?" :funny:


03-06-2003, 07:49 AM
Hahahahahahahaha, you are so right. If its wet outside - its raining; if you have to shovel it - it must be snow; if you piss onit and it sticks - it must be damm cold.

Global warming - just a trend!!!


03-06-2003, 09:41 AM
Just looked outside and it's snowing again. I kinda like the stuff, but it's certainly not good for my business!


03-06-2003, 03:30 PM
I've lived in Michigan all of my life, which is the epidemy of 4 season weather. I've grown every year to hate winter wonderland more and more. I've actually got this new routine that I started on Monday night (yes monday, March 4th) when we collected another 8 inches of snow. Spring's just around the corner eh? Thanks Mr. Groundhog.

Try this one as mother nature sheds her icy dandruff on you next time.
1. Go outside
2. Raise your right arm and hand to the sky.
Follow carefully and follow instructions:
3. Lower your index finger
4. Bend your ring finger
5. Now your pinkie.
6. Utter your most creative, defunct and explicit phrases at the sky.

Hey, I know it might sound crazy, but it sometimes makes me feel better.

Oh yea, as soon as Michigan State University releases me from their grasp, I'm on my way south to join you guys like Ryan who 'open their windows to let the house air out' in Feb. Must be nice....

Go Spartans


03-06-2003, 03:45 PM
you guys are lucky in my opinion! I live in Australia and the onlt time I have ever seen snow is when 23 years ago I lived in Atlanta, Georgia for 12 months with my aunt and uncle. It was snowing at xmas time and it seemed like a real authentic xmas! Our xmas's where I live are usually steamy hot days, most people here nowadays have dumped the tradtional xmas dinner and go for cold seafood, turkey, hams, salads etc. Its just not the same. Plus I love getting all rugged up, but thats is onmly my opinion!!!!! next xmas think of us poor aussies over here sweating over our food!!!!!!

03-06-2003, 04:04 PM
Oh, ya -- poor yippy!!! I feel so bad for ya. LOL.
It,s still snowing outside as I type, have to keep warm some how... have to huddle around the computer to just stay warm. All the firewood is froozen solid. It got to minus 38C over night, haven't seen the sun for a day or so. Even had to bring the sled dogs inside!!!
What's that - a polar bear wants inside.. sorry no more room.
I swear I think the flames in the firebox are starting to freeze solid.


03-06-2003, 05:45 PM
I have to agree with yippee from Australia! I also live in Australia, and you should feel what it's like to have 40 degrees (i think that's about 104 F?) day after day, and a sky thick with bushfire smoke. Summer has just finished here and it's still stinkin' hot!

Still, nothing like a dip at the beach everyday. (and the cost of discus heating is low!)


03-08-2003, 09:12 AM
Storm finally over.... 600mm snow..... minus 39 Celcius.

Winter does not suck... it ''BLOWS'''

two layers of long-johns, now !!!


03-08-2003, 11:38 AM
think Vancouver is the place to be....just.....right. ;D
blossoms are out..pretty pink trees everywhere.
days are long enough for now...can't complain.

03-08-2003, 10:27 PM
Did it snow out :) Steve

03-08-2003, 11:17 PM

03-13-2003, 12:30 PM
hey don't fool around with the snow gods...
Well the storm haas finally abated. total 26 inches freah snow.
Then a chinook came in , melted everything, then night time.. it dropped doem to minus 21 C... frooze everything in ice. My van's tires froozen solid in ice. couldn't move. Ice pick time.
Now the sun is out... and it is raining.... raining I tell ya.

Only in Canada. eh!


03-13-2003, 12:48 PM
Well I live here in the New Hampshire and normally I don't complain about the snow.....I love skiing and that usually takes my mind off of it...But this year it is too cold to ski.

So I guess my complaint is not about the white stuff but the damn temperature. I have only gone 4 times this year compared to the 30 old time we went last year. Oh well.

It got to the point where the thought of moving away from here had even crossed my mind. But alas I love to ski. Plus I enjoy having 4 seasons and the leaf changing and the brisk smell of a fire in the fall.

Funny to this this summer everyone was complain about the drought and water shortage. If I hear anyone mention about that I am going to scream.....

As for the global warming this....well a long cold winter could be interpretted as a sign of global warming...ie melting of the snow cap and actually dropping overall world temperature( nuclear winter). Don't worry I am not the greenhouse police.....just a FYI.

Hmmm I wonder if I rented a bus and drive down to Florida..I wonder how many people I would pick up along the way..