View Full Version : Where did the breeders go (for Ronald)

03-05-2003, 05:36 PM
Quote from Ronald:
What I don't like are blue eyed opinions regarding pros in any kind of field. The are pros for one reason only and that is $$. If one keeps that in mind allot of things become more clear.TEXT

If somebody was a proffesional only for the $$, I can tell you, you wouldn't survive 1 year. The work you have day in, day out, isn't wourth the money.
You only can keep this going for 2 reasons, or you are complete nuts, or you are addicted to this stupid fish.

Quote from Ronald:
But do you really believe any Breeder would be online just because of the Love of the Fish or for just for wanting to help ppl. Of course a Breeder, and I am not talking about the hobby backyard garage Breeder wants to make Money.TEXT

Okay give me one good reason, why I should be on this forum beside "My love of the Fish" or "to help other ppl"???

I know if Cary, Mike, Joe etc. for the money only keep a "little" more Discus and breeding more pairs as the "normal" Discus keeper, I garantee you, they would be burned out after one year. IMO Hans.

03-05-2003, 05:46 PM
You are more than welcome to your opinion about this, as is everyone else but Ryan locked that topic, and we would appreciate it ending now. I'm sure as a breeder you can see things from a different perspective than Ronald. My suggestion is to discuss it off the board.


ps... anyone with questions can direct them to me by Im or email.