View Full Version : WHATS WRONG

03-05-2003, 09:25 PM
Just found you all thankfully,can any one suggest a reason for my turk staying in one corner all of a sudden. It has changed to a nearly black colour and is slowly tilting to one side. I have 5 turks in total in a 40 gallon tank,the water parametors are all ok, i do a 20% water change every 2 days. also i have noticed it has stop feeding even though all the others are doing fine. I have had this fish around 4/5 months and the last time i introduced a new fish was 3 months ago.Any help please cos i`ve got no idea what could be wrong. cheers ???

03-06-2003, 12:23 AM
It's really hard to diagnose over the internet. It could be many things. First line of defense is to up the water changes and add salt. Can you do two 20% water changes per day or a single 40% daily Water Change with Heated, pH stable water? Add two tablespoons salt per 10 gallons.

Smell your water and inside the filters. . .
Are your filters clean inside? How about inside the tank?Are the floors, walls, decorations clean? I wipe down the inside of the tank with a white papaer towel - don't forget the airlines and heater. Is there a lot of mulm built up on the filter media? Rinse the filter media in used tank water.

Is this fish a pig? could it be constipated? Cut back on food for a couple of days and add one or two teaspoons of epsom salt per 10 gallons. You can repeat this dose after 4 hours.

03-06-2003, 02:24 PM
One of my fish just did that, I think he was just upset about being moved to a new tank.

You can also raise the temp of the tank in parallel with the wc and salt treatments. The temp brought mine out of it.


03-06-2003, 02:31 PM
dont frett. water changes,up the temp to 88 or 90 and add 1 tea spoon aquarium salt per 3 or 4 gallons. should do the trick. :)

03-06-2003, 03:51 PM
I have had had the same thing happen with one of mine - twice with the same fish. I moved him into the another tank and he sulked for 2 days - so i moved him back to his old tank and he was still stressed out a bit. yesterday I got some antibiotics for him and added them to his water just to be on the safe side - this morning hes back to normal. It could be just streess. I dont know if the antibiotics had anything to with it or if he was just happy to be back in his own tank again!


03-06-2003, 04:32 PM
Hi again all
Just finished water change and adding the salt, ive noticed that the fish in question is not tilting anymore and that he has 4 or 5 white crazes on one side of his body, other than that he looks absolutely perfect except for his colour.
I feed them twice daily with a mixture of frozen foods and vitakraft discus granules and brine shrimp occasionally ,he is the largest fish but he does not seem to eat more than the others, he does seem to be the boss though.
Ive checked the tank for smells etc but not being an expert i dont really know what im sniffing for :)
One thing though, i did clean the filter out a couple of days ago ( might have gone a little mad ? :-\).
Could this be a cause of my problem ?
Thanks for the help

P.S. The temp is a constant 30 degrees. Does this need to be higher ?. Also do you add epsom at the same time as normal salt.

03-06-2003, 08:39 PM
The first thing I would check is you amonia and nitrite level.
Only because you just said you went crazy cleaning your filter .
Maybe you killed the bacterial cycle.

If so you can try what I do --50 percent water changes twice a day

03-08-2003, 02:22 PM
Just a quick update, im changing water as suggeted and adding salt there is no change in the fish so i have upped the temp to 90.I shall continue this for a couple of days and if no improvement shall start treatment with epsom salts.
Will keep you all updated. Thanks

03-08-2003, 02:33 PM
Epsom salt may not help, but won't hurt. Treat now at 2 teaspoons per 10 gallons. Your fish may have developed a bacterial infection, may have a tumor or some other unknown problem. I hope it's something simple.