View Full Version : TCA meeting this Saturday

03-10-2003, 05:11 PM
Just a reminder to anyone in this area that the TCA (Texas Cichlid Assn.) will be having its March meeting at my run down, nasty, dirty house on Saturday. Everyone is invited. These meeting are normally very fun. It begins at 6:00 PM, but come early and stay late. For more info please see www.texascichlid.org or www.daah.info


03-10-2003, 08:02 PM
John Nicholson, I hope your wife doesn't read this, LOL. Boy, I wish I could be there. John is a great guy. John was in Oregon last December and he, Jeff Doty and I visited with Dennis Hardenburger ( and saw his new wilds) WE talked discus non-stop for several hours!

03-10-2003, 08:22 PM
Sounds great John. wish i could come.
NOw get cleaning that house!! put your duster on.. or moo-moo....and get to cleaning!!!!!!!! Better set your hair also..
And we all want a full report . with pics?
now whos all going to Johns house?

03-11-2003, 12:42 AM
Sounds like Fun John!,
Wish it was in driving distance!

Any wild game on the menu?:)
