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View Full Version : Black Worm Question ???

03-12-2003, 12:47 PM
I started feeding CBW a week ago only once a day and now I find that they will not eat anything else. Prior to that I was feeding frozen bloodworms and frozen brian shrimp as well as Hikari Discus pellets and Hikari sinking pellets at least twice a day but usaully more often.

Is it good to only feed one type of food (BLOOD WORMS)?? Or should I try to get them back on their regular food and then feed CBW every other day or so as a treat??

I posted this under another subject and the responsed came from two other with the same question CITIZENAL and FISHEYES. Any experienced DISCUS experts with an opinion??

03-14-2003, 12:00 AM
Variety is the spice of life .
How would you like eating the same food everyday for the rest of your life.
If they do not get a variety of foods the odds are that they will become sick.
Just my opinion and experience.


03-14-2003, 03:07 AM
A varied diet offers the discus the best chance to get the vitamins and minerals they need for growth, health, and then the best result color. ;)

Brad NC
03-16-2003, 01:25 AM
I too agree variety is the way to go but it's getting them to accept a variety that's the challenge. It's basically a match of wills between you and your fish. As of now stop feeding them CBW. Crank the temp up 2 or 3 degrees. This will get their metabolism up. At feeding time from now on just give a very small amount of another food. Once they begin to eat it give them some more. This will probably take 2 or 3 days. Soon they will eat the other foods readily again. At this point you can reintroduce the CBW, but don't feed too much. If you let them fill their stomachs on CBW they'll stop eating other stuff.

03-16-2003, 05:59 PM
i'm confused, your said you were feeding cbw right, but then you asked "is it good to only feed one type of food (BLOOD WORMS)?" cbw are black worms not blood worms, maybe it was just a typo or something but i just wanna make sure you are talking about black worms.
kim :-*

03-17-2003, 11:29 PM
Hi Discusnovice: Check out my post to Tony Serna, you may find your answer. What ever you decide on, plaese do not feed Tubifex worms to your fish, it seems they are sold at times as Blackworms. Be very careful: Discus Devil 8) 8)