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View Full Version : Help: java moss on drift wood?

03-12-2003, 07:18 PM
I need some help and advice on tieing java moss on drift wood and keeping it in a discus tank. (28-29C)

a) I have been using cotton thread to tie it to drift wood. 1 loop on the wood a the bunch of java moss.
I end up most of the bunch break off and stuck at the in tube of the canister.
b) the java moss looks a bit shaggy and dirty.

the same bunch of java moss did really well in the tropical 27C and do reasonable well in the GF 25C (I do add PMD in the tropical). The GF tends to do havoc to any plant but java fern and water sprite. The java fern is tied to volcanic rock in the gf. Would that makes any difference.
Thanks in advance for any good advice.

03-12-2003, 10:43 PM
You can try rubber bands, fishing line, plastic cable ties (narrow ones) I even knew a guy who used staples!!

03-12-2003, 11:31 PM
I used metal thumb tacks. worked great!!


03-13-2003, 01:46 AM
even i use the cotton thread, but in a different way.

i 1st wash the moss in a bucket and let the small pieces come out of the plants.

take the bunch and break it into pieces and carefully tie the pieces with the thread to the tiles. leave the tiles in the bucket of water for a day or two and then put it in the main tank.

works great and no scattering of plants in water etc.

i have a recent pic of the above mentioned, but that is the riccia. i have done this with java moss also........ they are in the same tank. the javamoss has grown, but when i do the cropping next time i will surely take the pics of the java moss also. till then i think that you can understand what i am trying to say by this picture.

hope this helps.


03-13-2003, 01:48 AM
luckily i have found the pics of the java moss also. it is the dark coloured plant on the right tile.


03-13-2003, 01:49 AM
riccia........ clear pic. :)


03-13-2003, 01:51 AM
this is the JM and the anubias nana.


03-13-2003, 01:54 AM
sorry........ the tank specs are :

tank is 2' x 1' x 1'

ph 7.6

GH / KH boring water used.

fert : 1 ml every other day of leaf zone, azoo plant fert. and azoo hormones.

w/c every 2 days...... 25 %

lighting : 40 w bulb, 2 x 18 w compact flourescent lights.

temp : 27 degree

CO2 : 1 bubble per 3 secs.

hope this helps.

works great for me.


03-13-2003, 07:47 AM
I like the tile idea, you can take them out to clean them or rearrange them anytime. You could even prop them up against the sides. It is going to look great when the moss fills out.

Tony, I don't think it is the temps or what it is attached to that is making the difference between the growth in the two tanks. I would look more into the lighting differences or nutrients available in the two tanks.

Hair nets also work as an anchor, if the object is something that can be wrapped around.

03-13-2003, 09:16 AM
Java Moss can grow at temperatures higher than 80, but it's really a colder water plant and will do much better at 78 or below.

03-14-2003, 12:05 PM
Is it bad to use metal thumb tacks in the tank to fasten plants? Do I have to worry about corrosion or rust harming the fish?