View Full Version : dyacide for flukes?

03-12-2003, 08:46 PM
i'm 99.9999% sure my fish have flukes. they have been scratching, breathing abnormally, and have inflamed and enlargened gills. i have prazi coming either friday or saturday but jeff doty told me to find something called fluke tabs at petsmart. well i can't find it at petsmart, petco, or any other fish places nearby. whwat i did find was something called dyacide. it's ingrediants are:

dimethyl (2,2,2-trichloro-1-hydroxyyethyl) phosphate

it says it is for gill flukes,anchor worms, fish lice, parasitic copepods, and pinpoint sores

i have previously tried life bearer and formalite II but neither worked. i can't find fluke tabs. what should i do? try the dyacide now or wait and see if the prazi works in a couple days. (btw the dyacide treatment it one drop per gallong for three days)
i am also doing a salt treatment for other ailments party due to a 7 hour trip they made. i am using 1 tblspoon per gallon @ 92 degrees. there are 7 juviniles in one 55 gallon tank.

any advice, help, suggestions???
thanks guys!
kim :-*

03-12-2003, 09:45 PM
Fluke tabs contain dyacide among other things (pesticides). I found them to be hard on the fish at full strength. SOme use them at 1/2 strength.
Oftentimes the fish stop eating for a while when using those meds.

I would wait for the prazi rather than stress the fish on one thing and then switch to the prazi.


03-13-2003, 01:56 AM
well i also have another tank of adults that may also have flukes. i havn't ever de-fluked them since i got them. they are strong and ecept for the flukes, very very healthy fish. i have decided i will treat this tank with the dyacide and wait until friday to treat the juvies with the prazi, sort of like an experiment to see which works better. i would also rather do it this way because i know some of the juvies have tape worms and they do need the prazi, but the adults only need the fluke med as they have been de-wormed already. thanks for the comment!
kim :-*

btw the adults already recieved their first treatment and were fed shortly after, and they are just as voracious as ever...so it looks like they will be ok.