View Full Version : Second Attempt

03-13-2003, 09:36 AM
Hi guys long time no see,
my last attempt was a failure, the fry is dying one by one,was it because of the parasites? should I have removed the fry after 10 days?
and after the fry was free swimming mom hates dad and fighting over the fry because fry is more attracted(attached) to dad and after I removed the fry and put cone back the female won't lay eggs after 10 days and won't even let the male get near her, and giving him a tail buttin', so I was like " Gezz I'm doomed!" and then I took out dad and put him in 29 g planted tank w/ other little fish, after a day I put the female in 29g and it seems that they don't fight as much as before. after a week they Spawned again! yihaa! but this time after couple of days the male fertilizing the eggs, the female won't let him fan the eggs or even let him get near the eggs, she keeps the eggs for herself! so what should I do, should I remove dad or mom?
hmm it is way too human, they have sex, they have a lot of kids and they hate each other... lol

03-13-2003, 11:56 AM
are their swift attack movements killing the babies? not sure if fry will get as much skin milk as they need from only one parent, but maybe the dad should stay, could mean the mom isnt producing or her milk is sour, prob the first. there is supposedly a human med that is known to affect the discus secretions. making them produce more. Its talked about on one of these threads, If I can find it I'll post it. sorry I cant help more- Jason