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03-14-2003, 12:14 PM
I've been keeping discus for about a year and a half and I think the biggest mistake I made so far is not takeing the advice of keeping fish that are the same size together. I started out with just two 2-3 inch fish in a 125. About three weeks later I added six more the same size. The problem is after these fish grew into adults I added some more 2 inch fish to the mix. Even though the smaller ones had no problems holding their own the growth has not been what it should be. Im not sure if its GIH or a social/physical problem but I am convinced mixing different sized fish should be avoided. I hope my experience helps someone starting out. I think this importaint issue is avoided to keep from getting into the GIH (growth inhibiting hormone) debate. Rich

03-14-2003, 07:21 PM
The biggest mistake I made is not putting enough together. I put 4 small Discus in at the same time but didnt realize that having less then 6 really does make a difference. One of them is getting big and fat and the others, well let just say I have to be careful that they get enough food. The big guy can be vicious.
If one ends up runting then I will always wonder if it was because of that or just bad luck. It certainly isn't optimal feeding conditions for them.

03-14-2003, 09:29 PM
I to have six discus in one tank 3 pandas & 3 turqs 4 out of the six are doing well .The other two are timid and half the size of the other four .
I took one of the runties and put him in a 10 gal and fed the hell out of him with live food . Size has increased quite a bit .

03-15-2003, 05:15 AM
Fisheyes, I'm wondering if you put the well fed 'lone' fish back with the others whether he would become timid again? It's a tricky question about same sized fish. I've had small fish in with big ones and have truly dominated the others. They were just strong tough robust fish. Sometimes I think it's more of a matter of 'personality' than size.

03-15-2003, 11:19 AM
I did put him back in hopes that he would hold his own . I have to say he is a loner in the tank however he is eating a little better .
I think he would be better off in a tank with some of my teenagers that are up and coming . Then he could be the boss.