View Full Version : breeding program

03-14-2003, 08:37 PM
Hi all
I was reading the book Jim Quarles has" Success with Discus". And I was just curious about something. In his section on "Record Keeping" he talks about a record keeping program for the computers on breeding. Does anyone know of such a program? If so can it be downloaded? Or is this the CD that he made? Either way, I would like to know where and how I could get this pragram. I would like to keep better track of my breeding of the Angels as well as my Discus.
Thanks In Advance
Tom & Linda
Angelfish World

03-14-2003, 09:47 PM
Chad or John may be able to help you over at
I believe they are working on several things that Jim had going on before he passed

HTH Randy

03-14-2003, 09:57 PM
Hi Tom,
There are many commercial programs availible for breeding programs in many species of animals. These programs cost money to purchase.
If you have Microsoft excel on your Pc/mac you can easily generate similar spreadsheets. I work with data in excel all the time and would be happy to help you set up a spreadsheet that should help you out.
You can also use MS access... or any other database software such as filemaker pro.

let me know if you are interested,


03-15-2003, 10:37 AM
That would be great . I have about 16 pairs of Angels. Some go back 2 or 3 generations. Like on the turquoise that I have been working on for two years now. It's hard to remember everything. And now with discus, I'm told that good record keeping is the main key to success. So, I need to keep beter records. I have got three pairs now, and lot more to pair off soon . I've tried to keep notes in a note book, but they don't do well when they get wet. I dont know why or how {lol}. I've only got about 90 tanks when all set up. I hope get get pictures of my fishroom soon.
Thanks Tom & Linda