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03-18-2003, 10:40 AM
I have 2 new juvenile red discus, though they are quite comfortable with their new environment, they often hang around in the background when i get near them. Must i buy four more discus to make them feel more comfortable ? by the way my ph is 7.2 and temp kept at 28.5c.

03-18-2003, 10:51 AM
Hi There Traveller
Welcome to Simply!!! I would think that your 2 juvies would do better with a couple more buddies!! IME 2 juvie discus by themselves always tend to by shy and uncomfortable!!!! They do better with 6 and feel more secure in a group!!!! So I suggest if you have the tank space buy 4 more and see what happens!!! But remember to Quarentine any new fish you get!!!!!!!!!!!!

03-18-2003, 10:53 AM
How long have you had them?

I would hang around in the background to, If I saw a big ol creature coming at me! ;D

They will get used to you, it takes time!

What I did to speed up the process was to give them a little food, everytime I walked up to the tank. Hence, they see a big ol lughead, its feeding time!

your water params look good!

Keep us posted!

03-18-2003, 11:02 AM
I'm new too and as you I also have fish that are relucant to come to the front of the tank. I started off with 4 in a 75 gallon and two weeks later I got 3 more from the same breeder so I didn't quarantine them, should have but I had no problem. The fish do seem to feel better in a larger group, they are now occasionally coming out and watching me as long as I'm about 4 feet away, but if I try to slowly move toward them they freak out and hide in the corner. It is getting better and I hope that in a few more weeks they will feel much more comfortable.
Near daily water changes and salt (1 teaspoon per 10 gal.) seems to have helped.

03-18-2003, 11:26 PM
i've noticed if you wear dark clothing it somestimes freaks them out....

I had on a black t shirt on today and all my fish freaked when they saw me...all three tanks...

So, try wearing light colored clothing when aproaching the tank...it might help....


03-19-2003, 04:13 AM
Thanks guys!! I will buy 4 more discus probably next week. ;D !!

03-19-2003, 10:44 AM
I agree with Rick about the dark clothing. Before work I have to take off my black overcoat prior to a last minute feeding - the fish freak out if I wear it!

Also keep an eye out for the following:

Are you crossing between the tank and a light source when approaching the tank? Shadows are tough for fish. Moving through direct light from a window is especially startling to them.

Like Michael said, if the water needs changing, the fish can be nervous. Dissolved metabolites, a high bacterial count and other contaminants are all possible suspects. If you don't already do it, w/c of 20+% per day are ideal.

pH bounce. Test your pH directly from your tap and also in the tank. If different, your water may need time to aerate and balance out.

Vibrations. My fish are near the road and if a really big truck goes by, the vibratons startle them. Constant vibrations are not a problem. Off/on vibrations like an oil burner or water pump going on can be more startling.

These are all possibilities, and there are others. Just try to break it down and see if the fish become less timid as time goes on. Also let us know how you do!


03-19-2003, 12:25 PM
I to have noticed if I wear a blood red shirt that my discus tend to dart around the tank.

Could these be BULL discus ;D ;D :cowboy:

03-19-2003, 01:51 PM



Very Fishy
03-19-2003, 02:28 PM

I just purchased my first Discus (4 3" Tangerines). It is Day 6 in my tank and they are still extremely nervous when I approach the tank. They refuse to eat as well but seem healthy. They do get bold in the evening when the room is darker. Patience is the key.

03-19-2003, 02:46 PM
My new arrivals when i get them sound just like your i can buy 6 and put them in a 55 and they are very scared and upset for about 2 weeks and they dont eat much the first week have you tryed bumbing the temp uo to 90 for a few days and you can add 1 tablespoon of rock salt per 10 gals replacing the salt after a water change this has always helped my new arrivals HTH
Paul Burney

03-19-2003, 04:46 PM
Regardless how many discus in the tank. Increasing the temp. to 90 and salt always help. Once they get used to the new environment and slowly drop the temp. down to 84-86. Temp and salt is your first defence for any skittishness and lost of appetide. The amount of salt can be increase if problem continued. It's hard to overdose with salt. Oakville Hmmmm. Another crazy nuts in Oaville. There're many hobbyists in your area are members of this forum. Feel free to contact them.

03-19-2003, 09:58 PM
Thanks Guys!!! Well My fish are doing better now. i'm adding "oxycure" to my tank. They are not hiding in the background anymore. They just stare at me whenever i get near them... I will be going to buy more discus ... i'm only 15 yrs old, i hope u guys could me some tips in choosing healthy and beautiful discus....


03-19-2003, 10:10 PM
Hey guys i would like to ask a question regarding my discus. As i observe them from a distance, i notice that one of my red discus is always chasing and fighting with the other red discus. Would my weaker discus be injured? Is it considered a runt...? ???

03-20-2003, 09:22 PM
Well, this is another reason we suggest 6 or more discus. It spreads out the aggression so one discus isn't getting picked on all the time. You'll have to watch them. The dominate one may make the other discus hide in the corner all the time and not let him eat. Hopefully they will get along . . . .

steve s
03-20-2003, 09:54 PM
Just received 8, 2-3 inch fish by air three days ago
from MIke Wells. They refused to eat beefheart , flakes
and hid behind spong filter. If I turned on the light they
went nuts, but they are now eating some froz b worms
and Dans CBW's. They come out now if I leave the light
off , still do not like it when I do water changes.
But back to the fish 4 Ger. green turks and 4 marlb reds.
They are beautiful ;D ;D ;D , If you want some great fish give
Mike Wells at a discus dream a call. Prices were OK
fish are great.
Mike stands behind his fish and will help you thru any
You might ask Tyler about Mike.

03-20-2003, 10:06 PM
Hi Steve
It took 2 month for my discus to accept water changes without hiding at the other end of the tank.Now there a pain in th-ss they get in the way of the syphon and when filling the tank they come down and roll in the stream.

What I did is feed them some CBW right after the water changes so now they are there with their beady little eyes waiting .
Don't ya just love it :lickin:
Fisheyes( :-X)

03-20-2003, 11:32 PM
Hey steve, i think u should continue to feed ur discus with bloodworm. From what ive observed , my discus prefered bloodworm than flakes. I think by feeding them with bloodworm, u could "lure" them out from their hiding area...

james :)

03-20-2003, 11:53 PM
Sounds like a typical discus experience. I've been fortunate all the discus I've aquired have adjusted within 24 hours. keep up the variety in their diet and wait.
I picked up two discus yesterday and they ate within an hour and still are. You may want to dim the lights and slowly increase their intensity over the next couple of weeks. Also try turning on the light in the room for a few minutes prior to turning on the tanks.

Hope this helps :)

03-21-2003, 03:00 AM
I had read that Discus don't like shadows primarily due to being 'caught' and maybe they remember it. But that wouldn't affect our domestics right? Is the shadow thing something to do with their eyesight maybe? or just ingrained into them...?