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View Full Version : When will they stop fighting?!?

03-18-2003, 10:50 PM
Hi there everyone!

We (my wife and I) are new discus "parents" ;D ,but we think we might have a little problem we will let you decide.

Here are the facts/the story........

We have a new 125 gal tank, with 2 small "infants",3 juveniles,and 2 adults, all bought within 7-9 days,and everybody seemed to be getting along just fine. Then 2-3 days later we got a BEAUTIFUL pair (male and female)
(Thanks again Jimmy L ;) ) and as soon as they are released our once very passive adult turns into the tyrant of the tank playing "rock'em sock'em" robots with the new male. :argue:

So I guess the question is...Should somebody be taken out/seperated? Or are we just being over reacting "parents" and the "children" will work it all out with little or harm.

We will wait for the wise ruling of the council :bomb:

Thanks for any help/advice
Geordie and Chantel

03-19-2003, 05:49 AM
Breeding age adults can do serious damage to each other. Watch them very carefully. You may have to put in a partition or better yet move the pair to their own tank . . . or they could work everything out and get along just fine in a few days.

03-19-2003, 10:35 AM

Carol's right - you don't know what's going to happen. Discus more than other cichlids really depend on a pecking order to determine who's where in the hierarchy. New fish need to be tested to see where they fit in, especially rival males.

Keep watching the fish and making sure no damage is being done, and if so, be ready to fence off the new pair and see if that helps. Fish each have their own ways of doing things - some are more aggressive than others and tolerate rivals better.

Let us know how things progress.


03-19-2003, 05:02 PM
Geordie: A normally quiet amiable disucs will turn into a terrorist when the opposit sex is involved. I could have stolen your wife if you were smaller and a bit shorter than me. Well, too bad. You still have her. Your new female is ready to spawn anytime and the hormone she releases in the water tells all male discus to fight for her. There's no need to do anything. They usually don't kill each others. Just a test of strength. The losers will stay away from the pair. That's the time to separate them in their own breeding tank and get ready to be a new grand parents. It may take a few trials to be successful. Just keep asking question.
:'( :'(Aren't you suppose to quarantine before releasing them into your community tank? Well, it's too late. Hope for the best. ;D ;D Glad you like them.