View Full Version : Breeders' Water Parameters ???

03-19-2003, 12:54 PM
Hi guys, if it's possible, I would like to know the water parameters of your breeding pairs, Ph , Gh, and Kh or the conductivity instead the hardnesses.

I have not any pair yet, but I want to know if I have some chances with my 7.5 Ph,6 Gh and 3 Kh water. :-\

Thanks in advance for your replies to this thread :thumbsup:


Bill :guitarist:

03-19-2003, 01:07 PM
IMO you proably need to cut the GH and KH by about 2/3 so that your down in the 2Gh and 1Kh area. The pH is fine where it is at.

You might even get away with what you have now, so let your fish pair up and try and breed a few times in the water that you have. If things dont work then, then take a look at changing the water parameters.


03-19-2003, 01:21 PM
Thanks Roger, I appreciate your comments ;)

At this point the only fish that can be in breeding's age is an Alencer (the one of my avatar) the other guys are still young yet, but I'm very interested about knowing the parameters of the inhabitants of Simplyville who had bred :)


Bill :guitarist:

03-19-2003, 05:28 PM
conductivity 700
ph 7.4-7.8
gh 7.8
kh 3.4

my angels, shelldwellers, and my discus all breed in this water(in seperate tanks of course) ;)

03-19-2003, 05:31 PM
Hi Bill,
My breeders are in pH 6.5- 7.0 water, with conductivity of 80- 125 us. I use RO water mixed with Tap to get these conditions.

The temps are 81-83 degree F.


03-19-2003, 06:12 PM
Thanks David and Al for your replies :thumbsup:

David , Do you have an electronic device to measure both hardnesses ? Itīs very sharp :drummer:

Take Care,

Bill :guitarist:

03-20-2003, 12:05 PM
Hi guys,

Anyone else ?

Please, don't be shy and share your breeder's water params ;)


Bill :guitarist:

03-20-2003, 03:27 PM
Hey Bill- I use 2/3 RO and 1/3 Well(tap) to get water at apx100Microsiemens, and PH of 7.5, which drops in tank to about 7.0. Frank

03-20-2003, 03:32 PM
Thanks for replying Frank ;)

Take Care,

Bill :guitarist:

03-20-2003, 07:03 PM
Hi Bill.....

I just recently bought a Hanna Meter from RandalB here on the forum and I've been testing my water.........

Today I have 1 of my newest pair spawning and the readings are:

ph 7.12
Us (microseimens?) 245
ppms 121
kh..... a Big Fat Zero >:(

My hatch rates haven't been all that great either :'(


03-20-2003, 07:12 PM
Hi Beth,

A KH of 0, are you sure? Have you ever noticed a problem with your pH drifting lower? KH tends to keep your pH stable.

I think if you drop your conductivety to 100-150 microsiemens you would see your hatch rate increase. AND, with the beautiful discus you have you want as many babies to hatch as possible :D


03-20-2003, 07:33 PM
Hi Gary......

Yes!!!! I want more fry..... The problem is my water doesn't want to cooperate with me very much......

My kh coming out of the tap is only 2...... :'( My ph drops pretty quick over a couple days if I don't stay on top of the wcs......


03-20-2003, 11:10 PM

It's unfortunate but the dropping of your pH makes sense. Usually a KH of at least 3 is needed to keep the pH stable.

Are you using just your straight tap water for your breeders? Have you consider an RO/tap water mix? It wouldn't take much to get your conductivety down to 100us.


PS A little tip to keep your pH from dropping with the low KH you have is to add some crushed coral to the tank. How much depends on your tank size. I used to put a little bit in a nylon stocking and then placed that inside my filter. Simple yet effective and it does last for a while.

I wouldn't do it in your breeding tanks though because the crusehed coral will also raise your conductivety.

03-21-2003, 12:10 AM
Ph 5 to 5.6
Conductivity 10 to 50 microsemiens, depending on strain
100% RO with RO Right
81-82 degrees temp

03-21-2003, 12:57 AM
All tap or 25% R/O mix Tap

PH 7.5 to 7.0
kh7 to 5
gh7 to 5
mS 235 to 150mS depending on strain GOOD POINT DENNIS

03-21-2003, 12:59 AM
dang dennis, that is cold. is this proving adequate? i know i had a somewhat good experience w/spawn vs fungus once with a lower temp. but have since decided my problem was nitrate. and came back to 85+
warm them puppies up.
maybe up there they are used to cold. down here, leave the window open,
and they don't act right.
40/70 ppm tds, whatever that equals in GH/KH/ conductivity
5.8/6.0 ph
100% RO, kents Ro right. sparingly. just comforts me i am sure. for i don't use much.
i mix aged tap w/ro for growouts.

03-22-2003, 05:02 PM
Hi guys,

Thanks to Beth, Gary, Dennis, Cary and cgrim10 for your kind responses, I will print this whole thread for future reference ;)

Good Luck.

Bill :guitarist:

03-22-2003, 08:56 PM
Bernd Degen even recommends 81-82 for fry grow out.
I breed in 80 -82 and fry and grow outs in 83 I don't use any higher temps unless for medical reasons and haven't had a tank over 84 for a couple years.

I don't know if it would be much good for you to print this out.
Discus will breed in a lot of different water perameters, and what works for a lot of people doesn't work for me.
I am no where near a water exspert, and I am at a loss at why what works for some one else will give me very little hatch rate.
It just takes a lot of trail and error to find out what works best with your water.
Good luck

03-24-2003, 05:10 PM
Hi Dennis, thanks for your comments, I appreciate them very much :thumbsup:

Take Care,

Bill :guitarist: