View Full Version : Furan-2 and other hazards durring WCs

03-19-2003, 07:06 PM
I recently medicated a tank with Furan-2. It turned the water a lovely shade of green as it is supposed to do. Now I read on the package that the product contains substances known to the state of California to cause cancer. So my question is, how safe is it for me to be doing water changes with my bare hands exposed to this stuff? I've read the same warning on many of my medications, and even on some of the bottles in the water tester kit. Should I (we) be wearing gloves durring WCs, or is this just something that the company needs to print on the label to avoid lawsuits???

P.S. How come it's only known in the state of California?? Don't the other states know about the hazards? Don't they share information with each other? And when it crosses the border into Canada, which doesn't have any states at all - does the warning become void? *LOL*

03-19-2003, 10:16 PM
Do you know there's a warning from our Ferderal Government that you can poison yourself if you eat the megnetic tag on our $50.00 bill. You can kill yourself if you eat up to quarter of a million dollars.LOL.

03-19-2003, 10:52 PM
What a way to go though Jimmy!!!! ;D ;D ;D ::)

03-19-2003, 10:59 PM
*ROFLOL* Just when I thought I'd heard EVERYTHING!!! Who is getting paid to do this research?! And who was hungry (stupid) enough to eat the magnetic tag off a fifty dollar bill in the first place???!!!! Boy, if they wanted to munch on something, that fifty would have bought quite a few bags of chips, or something slightly more tasty, and slightly less poisonous! ;D ;D ;D

03-20-2003, 12:20 AM
Ok Canadians send me your $50 dollar bills!!! I will eat the magnetic strips, honest I won't buy more discus with all the donations!!!!! ;D ;D ;)

03-20-2003, 10:42 AM
California is the trend setter.. Most laws start there, most regulations start there. The most stringent auto emissions as well.

For Drugs, many are restricted there, but not elsewhere.

gasoline at the pump carries the same warning as the furan 2.

many medications have the ability to do harm if overused, or misused. Metronidazole ...

Metronidazole has exhibited mutagenic activity in the Ames Assay and
a number of other bacterial in vitro assay systems. Studies in
mammals have demonstrated a weak potential for genetic damage.
Evaluation of genotoxic activity in human lymphocytes suggests that
DNA damage may occur.

Increased incidences of skin, liver and lung tumors and malignant
lymphomas have been reported in studies with mice at oral doses up to
600 mg/kg (15 times the human dose).

Studies with rats have reported increases in mammary uterine and
liver tumors in female animals.

In studies with rats, oral doses up to 300 mg/kg for 80 weeks
produced reduced testicular weights and other changes in the male
genitalia. In another study with rats, an oral dose of 1 g/kg for 34
days produced effects on the kidneys, urinary tract and death.
Intravenous administration to rats at doses up to 300 mg/kg did not
produce any toxic effects attributable to Metronidazole.

In a study in mice where Metronidazole was administered in the diet
for life, lung tumors were observed at levels of 0.06% and up.

and yet it is used to save human lives everyday as it works a some very nasty internal bacterias.

If you ever want to find out about the tox potentials of something -do. a search for the nameof the chemical+MSDS

msds= material safety data sheets.


03-20-2003, 10:56 AM
The furazon II I believe is formalin + malachite green.

Its not the green dye thats bad for you, its the formalin.

I dont think in its diluted form that you have anything to worry about during a water change. Dripping it onto yourself right out of the bottle might be a different story though.


03-20-2003, 12:08 PM
Hi Roger,
for furan 2,
the meds are...

Nitrofurazone, Furazolidone, and Methylene Blue Trihydrate.

The meth blue is a blue a dye, the nitro is a yellow antibiotic, and the Furazolidone is also an antibiotic.


03-20-2003, 04:21 PM
Hi guys.

I've read that warning in all Aquarium Pharmaceutical's meds are sold here in Mexco City too.

To be safe, after I use meds, I put a piece of pantyhose full of activated carbon for 48 or 72 hours (depending on the med, for Furan2 I leave it 72 hours due to the tint, for Flagyl just 48 hours)

This way I remove all the meds' waste and make w/c's safer.

When the W/c's are done during the medication, I just wash my hands & arms and rinse them throughly, dry them and use some alcohol to clean them again ;D

Good Luck,

Bill :guitarist:

P.S. Sorry for the long post :-[

03-20-2003, 05:02 PM
That Carbon is a very responsible way to remove a med from the water. It prevents it from getting into the water supply and environment. :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

take care,

03-20-2003, 11:27 PM
Hey Darcy, once you eat the tags off the bills, they're no good as currency anymore. I licked one today, and trust me they don't taste good! ;D

Thanks for the great links and information (as usual) Al!!! I didn't know that California was such a trend setter. I guess all those stoned-out surfer dudes are the test subjects that the scientists use?! *LOL* Just kidding - no offense meant to any Californian's - I'd hate to tick off Dan of CBS! ;)

Anyhow, I usually put a filter with carbon in to remove the medications, but the instructions say to do a partial water change, then repeat the dosage, so that's why I was a bit concerned about putting my hands in there. Guess my concerns were unsubstantiated.....

whoa ... like, that's, like, a big word eh dudes??

Help!!! I'm turning into a test subject!!! (sorry couldn't help myself) ;D 8)

03-21-2003, 12:08 PM
Most Californians are Wussies. Besides they have nothing else better to do! ;D

03-21-2003, 12:36 PM
Fish_Fan_Tic: You have to eat the tag to be effective. Can't kill yourself by licking. Another Joke of our Federal Government." We will not participate the war of the United States, but we have 3 Warships in the Gulf to fight Terrorist". When asked who are the Terrorist. "Sadden Who's saint?"