View Full Version : Is my fish sick?(not eating)

03-21-2003, 07:33 AM
I bought several discus. Every discus work out fine, they are very active and always want to eat except one of them.
This one is not that active but still follow the group, and she doesn't eat. Sometimes she eats but immediately spit out and seems like not very interested in the food. (I feed Cbw and frozen blood worm)
She is about 2 inch. Her gill work out fine, no rotten tail/fin, and no white feces. (she was imported from asia 2 weeks ago)
At the beginning i thought she just doesn't get used to the environment so might be stressed out a little bit. But since I bought her home for a week, she was like that. I keep the temperature as 90F, and add salt 1 tsp/10 gal, and i did water change at least 30%every day (aged water), my water is soft, and i add Kent RO, my PH is stable at 6.4, ammonia:0--since this is a newly set tank. p.s my tank is 77gal and with 8 discus in it.

It has been a week, and her skin is getting a bit darker and skinny.
basically i did everything i can and i am very worry about her.
Can you people help me?

03-21-2003, 07:37 AM
your going to need a 10 gallon or a 20 gallon tank...and separate her and use metro on her. i have some...or phone lfs and ask for seachem metro. use 400 mg. high heat..and keep it up till she eats. redosing . some redose every 12 hours with wc.
maybe someone else can give you their dosing schedule. think the idea is it doesnt last 24 hours?
she most likley has flagellates. probably from stress of shipping etc.
Try king eds. they may have it.

03-21-2003, 08:05 AM
Haha, this amuses me..: "Hey, let's meet at the LFS and let me buy some pet products from you" :)

Sorry about the fish though, hope he gets well :)

03-21-2003, 08:14 AM
not petstore...grooming salon where all my fish are. lol
i dont actually sell fish stuff..just for a few friends. who need things. at wholesale cost.

03-21-2003, 09:16 AM
I had a fish not eat for a month after shipping....and is doing great now....I did as April said and it worked well.
If he is swimming with the pack and is not being picked on, you can treat in your tank......but you will need alot more med.....it's easier and will be cheaper in the long run to have a smaller hospital tank as meds can be costly....

03-21-2003, 11:11 AM
Yes, listen to the ''Dean of Discus''. She knows!

Actually - Metronidazole has an effective life of about 8 - 10 hours. Which is just right for water change timing. Do 50% water changes, two to three times daily - adding Metro to the new water, treat for 3-4 days. The temperature should be around 90'F. [effective range for metro]. Lots of aireation, and don't worry about feeding. A little food before w/c's, just to intice her. All of a sudden she will come around.. and go nuts for food.

Good luck.
