View Full Version : White bumps, like white heads

03-21-2003, 09:59 PM
Hi all,

I just noticed that one of my blue diamonds has these white bumps on it that looks like white heads on a person. I have never seen this before and am looking for some feedback. This has just happened as they were not there when I got home from work.

Any ideas what this might be and how do I remedy the problem , just as a precaution I used a broad based antibiotic just in case.



03-22-2003, 02:01 AM
These white pimples are on the body of the discus? If it's only one or two it shouldn't be a problem. I don't know if it's caused from dirty water or a virus or what . . . Some fish that develop lots of them get very sick . . . A couple of tablespoons salt per 10 gallons, extra water changes, heat raised to 88 won't hurt and might help. . . .