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View Full Version : Jalli Titanium Heaters

03-22-2003, 01:09 PM
In October of 2002 I purchased a 800w Jalli titanium heater and controller for my holding tank. I recieved it and it worked great. I liked it so much after 1 month I purchased another one in December for another holding tank. When this one arrived it was DOA. I called Pet Solutions explained and they sent me another one that I had to pay for until the one that was DOA was returned and they would credit my account. The next one I recieved was fine and still using it. On Thursday March 20 my customer recieved his from Pet Solutions DOA. So he returned his. I went to do water changes that afternoon and noticed the original one I bought was now dead. >:( Yes it is under warrenty and they have offered to replace it, but that is not the point. I need it to work right in the first place. This is now 3/5 that have to be returned.

I have called John at http://www.jehmco.com/ and he's hookin me up. I need something more reliable.

If you are thinking about the Jalli you might want to keep looking.

03-22-2003, 01:33 PM
Thanks for the warning, Jeff

03-22-2003, 09:20 PM
ok....so....they can put a man on the moon..but their not able to make a simple heater that doesnt malfunction?
whats with that?
every time someone tries out another one..i hear more problems.

03-22-2003, 09:31 PM
Yes it is a shame. And kinda frustrating. Simple, cheap technology. Bound to fail. Spend the money it costs to put a man on the moon and I bet the heater would be perfect! ;)

03-22-2003, 10:00 PM
Is this the heater with the all metal body (instead of glass)
that has a remote dial for + or - outside the tank?

03-22-2003, 10:43 PM
Yes, That is the heater. Maybe we should ask NASA to design a heater for us. Wait they probably would cost like $4500 each. Maybe not. ;D

03-23-2003, 12:46 AM

if your just heating your holding tanks build yourself an emersion heater like the kind used in coffee makers, you probably could even use the controller from your bunk heater for it

03-23-2003, 01:19 AM
Jason. funny you should mention that. I was talking to a biomedical engineer at work yesterday and he suggested I do just what you said. he gave me some ideas on how to do it. I am concerned about using just any heating coil though. I've heard nickel or copper can be hazardous to the fish. Any ideas? have you done this yourself?


03-23-2003, 02:49 AM
HI Jeff,
I have heard alot of great comments on Those heavy duty heaters that John at jehmco sells. If I had a large enough tank, I'd give them a try myself.

Let us know how the heater works out.


03-23-2003, 03:25 PM
Hey Jason good idea. I'm going to look into that. :)

03-23-2003, 05:51 PM
Jason has a great idea here, forget the expensive aquarium heaters. I use a heater from a hot water urn and control it with a thermostat that is normally used in the horticulture industry for heating flower beds. There thermostats have an adjustable range from 20c to 40 c and can handle a high electrical current so are perfect for aquarium use. These parts are available through specialist electrical supply houses and are inexpensive (heater and controller around $200 aus or about $110 us.)



03-23-2003, 05:59 PM
I suppose that would be 1) very hot 2) very fast....correct?
But what about what Daninthesand asked, is it something made from copper?

Not good for fish water :(

03-23-2003, 06:07 PM
I don't want to start up the Ebo Jager contraversy again. But if you recall when it was raging I had said that the other brands of heaters sound like better alternatives simply because there are so few of us using them. Therefore there are far fewer failures reported. Now that Ebo has been abandoned and many are trying different brands there seems to be a thread every few weeks about heaters cracking or dying etc. And while the service dept of these other companies will replace the broken heaters if you ship them back and pay the shipping, that's the same thing that Ebo would do. I have had problems with some Ebos not getting to the desired max temp so I'd like to have an alternative brand to try but so far the failure rate of the competition doesn't seem any better.


03-23-2003, 06:16 PM
i've seen stainless steele imersion heating elements before in everything from mini hot water heating boilers to electric cookware.

I figure I could peice one together with a thermostat/controller for well under $80.00, and it be very quick and efficient 12oowatts plus

03-23-2003, 06:26 PM
Those heaters are available in stainless steel and are safe to use.

1) very hot? They will only heat the water to the setting you adjust the thermostat to.

2) heat the water fast? well that depends on how much water needs to be heated and the wattage rating of the heater. Normally these heaters are used in a sump of a giant aquarium or for multiple tank installations. For smaller installations i would not consider this kind of heater, better of with the normal glass ones imo.

Hope that answers your q's baglady :)

03-23-2003, 06:32 PM
some examples of elements you could use.

http://www.homedepot.com/prel80/HDUS/EN_US/diy_main/pg_diy.jsp?CNTTYPE=NAVIGATION&CNTKEY=market%2fpg_z ip_code.jsp&BV_SessionID=@@@@0055096434.1048457557 @@@@&BV_EngineID=ccdgadchlhememdcgelceffdfgidgjl.0 &DRC=4&catOID=100010260

http://www.homedepot.com/prel80/HDUS/EN_US/diy_main/pg_diy.jsp?CNTTYPE=NAVIGATION&CNTKEY=market%2fpg_z ip_code.jsp&BV_SessionID=@@@@0055096434.1048457557 @@@@&BV_EngineID=ccdgadchlhememdcgelceffdfgidgjl.0 &DRC=4&catOID=100010260

for a thermostat you can use any mechanical one that accepts a probe or thermocoupler instead of a mercury switch, very inexpensive $7-$12 dollar range

03-23-2003, 07:00 PM
i have a friend who just set up several LARGE plywood tanks. The biggest one was around 800 gallons!! :o

I think he's heating his room rather than his holding tanks! ;D

03-24-2003, 01:33 PM
I have only had mine for about a couple of months, but I am absolutely in love with the dual 500 Watt (1,000 total watts) titanium heaters hard-wired to a temperature controller I got from John at Jehmco (other than the crappy suction cups, which I replaced). Mines in my 200 gallon Oceanic with about 25 adult discus. Very exact temperature control, and everything is "industrial strength!" Plus it can go up to 104 degrees (not that I'd ever need that, but can get up into the mid 90's easily, if I need to), which would have been impossible with my four previous Ebo Jaeger 250 watters (which will now be used to heat my water aging barrels), that never worked together, and couldn't get over 90 degrees for treatments. I looked into doing it DIY, but the time involved would just not be worth the money you save. Think about it, for four Ebo Jaeger 250 watt heaters, you're going to spend nearly $80, and they won't work together (unless you add a temperature controller to run all four together in sync, which would add to the $$ outlay). For $120 US, you can have the whole thing wired up and ready to go. Plus, you can add a third Titanium heater if you want to put it into a bigger tank (I think it will handle up to 1,800 watts. For me it was a no-brainer, just plop it into your tank, and you're cookin' (well, hopefully not cooking your fish). I just wish John had some small titanium's (that weren't too expensive) that you could use in breeding tanks, and smaller tanks up to 55 gallons.
All the best,
Lance Krueger

03-27-2003, 12:46 AM
Hey has anyone tried RENA heaters i am useing the for over 3 years with no problem,only once my giant pacu's broke one!!

03-27-2003, 10:07 AM
I'm now committed to a one month testing period for all heaters before using them. I have 3 backups now that have tested and are working well. Like Dave C I got fed up with the Ebo failure rate - 50% for me - and tried several other brands. It's really hit or miss with all of the brands. My plan obviously won't work for huge tanks or major heaters, but for me and my 100-200 watt heaters it gives me a little peace of mind.

Of course there's nothing to say the heaters won't fail AFTER the month test period...



03-27-2003, 12:01 PM

What I have found with titanium heaters is they like to go out between months 4-6. No idea why, but that is most common for the titanium heaters. ;)

03-27-2003, 12:11 PM
Jeff, what brands are you refering to? Are there any you have not tested for that amount of time or is it titaniums in general?

03-27-2003, 05:18 PM
I just recieved my duel 500 watt heater from Jehmco and I have to tell you that this sucker is awesome.It is industrial grade and is built very well.I know it's going to be reliable,and highly recomend it to anyone looking for a lg. capacity heater.
Truely impressive ;D
Paul :guitarist: