View Full Version : I'm going crazy over this!

03-22-2003, 06:06 PM
I'm new to this forum, but it seems there is a lot of experience and wisdom in this forum.

My problem is my breeding pair of red turquoise that like to practice birth control by eating their eggs within 6 hours of spawning. They are faithful at mating every 30 days...but I have only been able to remove the eggs to a prepped tank (they like to lay them on the down spout of the filter) twice now.

The first time, the fry hatched and were barely free swiming...at that time I thought it best to introduce the female so they could feed on the slim coat...wrong...she ate them.

Just this week the spawned again, and I was able to move them to a separate tank. The hatch was about 50% of the eggs laid, but did not survive for long.

I guess my question is, is it better to leave the eggs with the parents (and screen them off) or try to raise the fry artificially?

All input is greatfully appreciated.


03-22-2003, 09:53 PM
Re-introduction of the fry to the parents typically wont work. The fry will be eaten. Fry can sometimes be introduced to OTHER pairs..IF..the pair is already carrying fry of a very close age. OR...the eggs can sometimes be introduced to a pair already fanning a spawn. I used to have a female who would fan two cones simultaniously, without hesitation.

its always best though, to wait, be patient, and let the original parents learn from experience not to eat the eggs. given enough time, MOST pairs will come around. They may never be "perfect" parents and may even need to be seperated at some point during the spawn....maybe...maybe not. Every pair is different. They all learn at a similar and yet different pace.

How many times has this pair spawned? How old are they? Im guessing since they are only spawning every thirty days, they're a "new" pair...and young.


03-23-2003, 11:51 AM
If you cant get your red turqs to not eat the fry then just about the only thing left is artificially or find foster parents.

I let mine breed in the community tank for almost 3 months, they laid eggs every 5-6 days. That seemed to really help my fish develop good parenting skills. Sometimes it just takes another fish or two to distract the parents from the eggs, I know someone who cant get his fish to breed unless its in a community tank.

My 1st batch of fry have their 4 week birthday tomorrow.


03-23-2003, 04:45 PM
Tony & Roger:
Thanks for the replies. These fish are about 2 years old and paired themselves up out of a group of six. I think they have been seriously breeding for the past 4 months now.

After viewing other posts it looks like I'm not alone with this problem. I currently have them by themselves in a 35 gal planted tank, so maybe I'll try moving them back to the community 50 gal tank to see if that works.

As the other posts say patience is a virtue in this endeavor!


03-24-2003, 11:08 PM
These two have spawned again with a healthy number of eggs. This time they picked a section of driftwood in the tank, so it looks like they won't be loosing the brood as quickly as the last time.

So far they the male seems very attentive...he's really protective even chasing off the female. Is this natural or are they showing their immaturity?

I'll keep you posted as the week goes along!