View Full Version : Digital Pix ... ???

03-26-2003, 04:16 PM
I need some technique tips for taking digital pixs ... check out the pix in this thread

Question ... do you need to set the fish up in a special picture-taking tank?
What about lighting ... does a flash provide the proper lighting to get this caliber shot? Or do I have to set up something above the tank?

I have problems in my fishroom, as all my tanks are arranged so the side are facing out (maximize space for breeding), plus there is not a lot of room in front of my tanks ... 30 - 36 inches. How does one deal with deep tanks and the fish hanging in the back?

What pixel resolution do you use?

Thanks for the advice in advance


03-26-2003, 04:54 PM
Hi Jeff,
what kind of camera do you have? Most digitals are point, shoot and focus... they even use flash when needed.But not all digital cameras are create equal and some are not designed for use too close. This tend to be the lower end digi's...under $200, or with a res of 2 megapixels or less.


03-26-2003, 05:12 PM
hi jeff,
if you want to get good dig pics,you'll have to spend some money. i got an "olympus" c-4000z at walmart for about $450. takes GRAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAT pics.
what ever you get 4+ pixel's is best.
pops ;D ;D

03-26-2003, 10:35 PM
things that worked well for me with an Olympus 3040
then try with and without Macro setting.
slow the shutter speed down to let in enough light but as fast as possible to stop motion.
Highest resolution(then edited down for posting)
This was taken with no flash,
Macro on,
shutter speed 1/50 sec


03-27-2003, 10:22 AM
We have 2 digital cameras right now ... a cheap one, and a REAL cheap one (both are SiPix). Both are point and shoot. I can set the resolution on both ...

Not going to spend a lot on a camera now, so I have what I have. So the question becomes how do I maximize my photos with cheap point&shoot digitals?

The biggest question involves lighting ... are people adding light to the tanks where photos are being taken, or are you just using the flash, or no flash and the existing light?

03-27-2003, 10:45 AM
it is hard to take a pic using a flash and not have it reflect off the glass.
If you can add some light from above and use no flash I think you will have better results